Brussels GRAVY TRAIN: MEPs FINED after spending £481,033 on champagne, dinners and gifts

MEPs from a parliamentary group founded by French populist leader Marine Le Pen have been asked to reimburse almost £500,000 splashed out on champagne, gifts and five-star dinners.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

eu news meps fined european parliament marine le pen

Members of the ENF founded by Marine Le Pen have been asked to reimburse almost £500,000 (Image: GETTY)

Members of Europe of Nations and Freedom (ENF) party were found to have unjustifiably billed £481,033 (€544,400) in expenses, the European Parliament’s Budgetary Control Committee found.

According to an audit of the expense accounts, ENF MEPs unlawfully charged £423,159 (€478,000) in 2016 alone.

In that year the MEPs are billed the EU for more than 230 champagne bottles, set gourmet meals priced at more than £353 (€400) per person, and expensive Christmas gifts for employees.

Irregularities in the MEPs expenses were found also on the 2017 budget, and they were deemed worth more than £58,781 (€66,400). 

And more than £530,602 (€600,000) of the ENF's 2018 allowance have been withheld already due to irregularities detected.

Ms Le Pen, who resigned from her mandate in the European Parliament a year ago, is also accused of having paid with her secretarial allowances her assistants despite not them not working in the European Parliament.

The decision to fine the MEPs was triggered by complaints made by an independent auditor and by the parliamentary control panel, and was taken unanimously on Monday evening by the Presidium of the EU parliament, an EU spokeswoman said.

The 14-member group headed by President of the Parliament Antonio Tajani, which leads the administrative aspects of the assembly, responded to a request to examine the case made by the European Committee on Budgetary Control. 

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Ms Le Pen was also accused of having paid with her EU allowances assistants not working in the EU (Image: GETTY)

The groups’ complaints targeted various expenses deemed unacceptable for MEPs, including the invitation sent by the politicians to "industrialists" to a top-class Paris restaurant at a price of £397 (€449) per person.

The French bulletin "Canard Enchainé" also accused the founder of the European group and former Front National (FN) leader Ms Le Pen of splashing £709 (€802) in a Parisian restaurant for a two-course meal with Matteo Salvini, the now interior minister of Italy.

The ENF counts 35 members from far-right and populist parties across the bloc and is the smallest group in the European Parliament.

The party is entitled to an annual cost allowance of around £2.92million (€3.3m), that should be devolved to employees and interpreters’ salaries as well as for political events. 

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Matteo Salvini was a member of the ENF (Image: GETTY)

In principle, the political groups in the European Parliament can also bill for invitations or receptions organised as part of their political work.

But these expenses must comply to certain rules and be subjected to public tender, a bidding process that is open to many bidders and open to public scrutiny.

According to the Committee on Budgetary Control, the ENF didn’t meet these conditions and also failed to submit any supporting documents for many expenses.

The ENF was founded in 2015 and counts members from the FN, the Austrian FPO, the Dutch Freedom Party, Germany’s AfD and Italy’s Lega.

(Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg)  

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