Putin and Trump cement 'extraordinary relationship' with handshake in HUGE dig at West

DONALD Trump has hailed the beginning of what could be an "extraordinary relationship" between America and Russia as he kick-started talks with President Vladimir Putin.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Donald Trump meets Vladimir Putin in Helsinki

The US President has attended his first face-to-face meeting with Russia’s leader. 

He described it as a "good start" at the beginning of the "working lunch" that followed. 

Ahead of the talks, held behind closed door, the two leaders briefly spoke to reporters. 

Mr Trump said that getting along with Russia would be a "good thing, not a bad thing". 

He said: "Most importantly we have a lot of good things to talk about."

He added they will talk about "everything from trade to military to missiles to China. We'll be talking a little bit about China. Our mutual friend president Xi." 

Mr Trump also praised Russia for its performance at the World Cup, pointing out that Americans call football "soccer".

He added he believes the world wants to see Russia and Washington getting along as they are "two great nuclear powers". 

But hours before the talks, he launched an attack against his own country’s policies, arguing previous administrations have deteriorated relations between Moscow and Washington.

He wrote on Twitter: “President Obama thought that Crooked Hillary was going to win the election, so when he was informed by the FBI about Russian Meddling, he said it couldn’t happen, was no big deal, & did NOTHING about it.

“When I won it became a big deal and the Rigged Witch Hunt headed by Strzok! 

donald trump twitter putin meeting helsinki russia election hacking

Mr Trump and Mr Putin will meet later today in Helsinki (Image: REUTERS)

“Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of US foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!” 

The Russian foreign ministry "liked" this tweets. 

The message refers to the former administrations' relations with Mr Putin and the investigation conducted by US Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller into the alleged Russia’s interference in US politics to help Mr Trump win the 2016 president elections. 

And it comes after Mr Mueller indicted 12 Russians for stealing Democratic Party's documents on Friday.

Both Mr Trump and Russia have denied any meddling ever took place during the 2016 electoral campaign.

Donald Trump and Melania arrive in Helsinki for summit with Putin

Our relationship with Russia has NEVER been worse thanks to many years of US foolishness and stupidity and now, the Rigged Witch Hunt!

Donald Trump

Mr Trump and Mr Putin will meet in Helsinki, a location often chosen by US and Russia’s presidents for their meetings.

While the US president landed at Helsinki airport yesterday night after a non-working weekend spent in Scotland, Mr Putin arrived on Monday morning, about half an hour later than expected. 

Ahead of this meeting, both parts have spoken cautiously about the expected outcome. 

Mr Trump said on Sunday night he had “low expectations” for the talks, adding: "I'm not going with high expectations".

He said he expects talks with Mr Putin to produce "nothing bad" and "maybe some good”.

donald trump twitter putin meeting helsinki russia election hacking

Donald and Melania Trump arriving in Helsinki (Image: GETTY)

He also predicted that, whichever the outcome will be, his critics will still say he was too soft on the Kremlin.

Mr Trump tweeted: “Unfortunately, no matter how well I do at the Summit, if I was given the great city of Moscow as retribution for all of the sins and evils committed by Russia over the years, I would return to criticism that it wasn’t good enough – that I should have gotten Saint Petersburg in addition!"

Yet, during the press conference closing the two-day NATO summit taking place between June 11-12 Mr Trump had said the meeting with Mr Putin may be the “easiest” among the talks held during his European tour. 

Advisors and critics have asked Mr Trump to press Mr Putin over the death of a woman who was exposed to Novichok in Amesbury and the election meddling accusations.

But the talks, which are being held under closed door with just the presidents’ interpreters in the room, haven’t a set agenda. 

During a breakfast meeting with Sauli Niinistö, the president of Finland, the country hosting the summit, Mr Trump was asked what he would say to President Putin. 

Putin arrives in Helsinki for talks with Donald Trump

He replied: "We'll do just fine, thank you."

Mr Trump and his wife Melania returned to their hotel after the breakfast and were expected to remain there for a few hours.

The Kremlin also spoke about what the Russian government was expecting from the meeting, saying beforehand Russia did not think it would be an easy meeting.

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov hit out at Mr Trump’s criticism of the planned Russian gas pipeline to Germany and also suggested it would be hard to find common ground on Syria because of differences over Iran.

He said: “Of course Syria will be discussed by the two presidents. 

putin arrives in helsinki

President Putin arriving in Helsinki (Image: EPA)

"We all know what Washington thinks of Iran. 

“But at the same time Iran is a good partner to us in terms of trade, economic cooperation and political dialogue.

“So this will not be an easy exchange of views."

However, Russia hoped the summit would be "the first step" in overcoming a crisis in relations, he said.

The spokesman added: "Presidents Trump and Putin respect each other and they get along well.

“There is no clear agenda. It will be determined by the heads of state themselves as they go along." 

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