Iran MAP: Where is Iran? Has Iran got nuclear weapons?

US PRESIDENT Donald Trump called out Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani in an explosive Twitter rant today. Where is Iran? Does it have nuclear weapons?

By Georgina Laud, Engagement Editor

Iran map donald trump Hassan Rouhani

President Trump tweeted angrily about Hassan Rouhani this morning (Image: BING MAPS/GETTY)

President Trump took to Twitter this morning to post an incendiary message aimed at Iranian President Hassan Rouhani. 

Relations between Iran and the US have been strained ever since Mr Trump announced he was withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran deal. 

The Iran deal prevents the Middle Eastern country from the creation of nuclear weapons and destabilises Iran’s ballistic missile programme. 

The deal was agreed upon to ensure Iran's nuclear programme will be "exclusively peaceful".

Mr Trump’s tweet, almost entirely in capital letters, warns the Iranian he will “suffer consequences the likes of which few throughout history have ever suffered before.”

The tweet was a response to a televised speech by Mr Rouhani, warning Mr Trump not to escalate tensions with Iran. 

He said: "Do not play with the lion's tail or else you will regret it.

"Peace with Iran would be the mother of all peace and war with Iran would be the mother of all wars.

“You are not in a position to incite the Iranian nation against Iran’s security and interests.”

Sanctions had been reimposed against the Islamic republic by the United States following President Trump pulling out of the JCPOA nuclear deal. 

The deal centred around stopping Iran from developing nuclear weapons, however, Mr Trump said: “This was a horrible one-sided deal that should have never, ever been made.”

Where is Iran?

Map of Iran

Iran is on the Arabian Gulf, and is the second-largest country in the Middle East (Image: BING MAPS)

Iran is situated on the Arabian Gulf and is officially known as the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

The Middle Eastern country is a sovereign state with over 81 million residents and is the second-largest country in the Middle East and the 17th largest country in the world. 

Iran’s capital city is Tehran which has a population of 8.4 million in the city, and 15 million in the metropolitan area of Greater Tehran. 

Has Iran got nuclear weapons? 

Iran has a long history of nuclear activity, with worldwide concern over the Middle Eastern country’s nuclear programme since 2003.

In 1957, the United States signed a civil nuclear cooperation agreement with Iran and the year after, Iran joined the International Atomic Energy Agency. 

Several nuclear research centres have opened in Iran over the years, with the Tehran Nuclear Research Center opening in 1967, a nuclear power programme beginning in the mid-1970s, and a research centre opening in Isfahan in 1984. 

The sanctions imposed by the JCPOA deal prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, by blocking four possible ways of using uranium or plutonium. 

Before the deal was signed, Iran had a uranium stockpile which was large enough to create eight to ten nuclear bombs. 

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani warned Trump to not test relations between the US and Iran (Image: GETTY)

The country then had to deplete the stockpile by 98 percent following the deal.

However, in May this year, President Trump withdrew from the deal, instead pledging to impose the “highest level” of economic sanctions on Iran. 

Those sanctions target the country’s central bank, Iranian oil exports and Iranian businesses and will come into effect in the coming months. 

Britain, Germany and France remain committed to the JCPOA deal, and Iran will decide whether to follow the US and withdraw from the deal or try and negotiate with the remaining members of the deal. 

Mr Rouhani warned at the time that should negotiations fail, the country’s uranium programme would restart. 

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