Trump's phone calls show he believes Merkel’s power is FADING - 'Germany is on HOLD'

DONALD Trump favours Emmanuel Macron over Angela Merkel as the top European leader as he contacted the French President twice as often as his German counterpart, according to a White House report.

By Alice Scarsi, Deputy World News Editor

Trump Merkel and Macron chat at G20 summit

US President Trump contacted Paris some 50 times between January 2017 and July 2018.

According to the phone list published by the White House, one in four of the 200 official calls made by Mr Trump to a foreign head of state or government went from the White House to the Élysée Palace - more than twice as many as the ones received by Germany’s Chancellor Merkel.

This stark difference in the contacts made to Paris and Berlin would show a blatant favouritism towards France and Mr Macron, seen as the head of the EU by Mr Trump, analysts believe.

Gabor Steingart, German journalist and author, said: “The Berlin government is full of envy towards the French president, who leaves a good impression on the world stage. 

So far, in this early phase of the Trump era, his motto is: France first. Germany is on hold

Gabor Steingart

“Donald Trump may not love Emmanuel Macron, but at least he respects him.

“So far, in this early phase of the Trump era, his motto is: France first. Germany is on hold.”

This snub comes as Mr Trump seems to have built a common front against Germany with Italy’s Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, whose government has been in stark contrast with Germany over the migrant crisis.

Following the meeting at the White House, Mr Trump told Mr Conte he thought he was “doing the right thing” by taking a hard line on immigration.

Mr Trump added: "Many other countries in Europe should do that too." 

donald trump news angela merkel relationship european union leader emmanuel macron

Donald Trump favours Emmanuel Macron over Angela Merkel, according to analysts (Image: GETTY)

And earlier this month, just days after the two world leaders clashed at the NATO summit over the Nord 2 Stream gas pipeline from Russia, Mr Trump blasted Mrs Merkel arguing she lost her power across Europe because of her lax immigration policies.

He said: “Angela was a superstar until she allowed millions of people to come into Germany.

“That really hurt her badly, as you know.

“She was unbeatable in any election. 

donald trump news angela merkel relationship european union leader emmanuel macron

Donald Trump contacted Paris some 50 times between January 2017 and July 2018 (Image: GETTY)

“She allowed millions of people to come in.

“She has been very badly hurt by immigration.”

Mrs Merkel has been under fire by critics in Germany over her open door immigration policy and earlier this year she risked to lose her leadership when she clashed with her former interior minister Horst Seehofer who demanded stricter rules to curb immigration.

(Additional reporting by Monika Pallenberg)  

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