Zimbabwe election results 2018: What time will the result come in tomorrow?

Zimbabwe election: MDC supporters protest the vote count outside the Rainbow Towers in Harare (Image: EPA)

ZIMBABWEANS are awaiting the results of their first election since Robert Mugabe was ousted after decades in power. But what time will the results come in tomorrow?

Zimbabwe protest: Officers pin down man to BEAT him

The election is expected to be a close call between Emmerson Mnangagwa for the ruling Zanu-PF and Nelson Chamisa for MDC Alliance.


But violence erupted today after Chamisa accused officials of rigging the result in favour of Mnangagwa.

At least three people have been killed after soldiers opened fire when opposition supporters took to the streets in Harare.

Tyres were burned and campaign banners were emblazoned with Mnangagwa. 

Chamois believes he has won the popular vote and even tweeted: “We have won this one together. 

“No amount of results manipulation will alter your will.”

European Union observers have expressed concern over delays in releasing the results of the presidential vote.

The electoral commission said it would begin releasing results from the presidential contest at 11.30pm BST (12.30pm local time) today.


Zimbabwe election results 2018: Voters took to the polls this week (Image: REUTERS)

However, this was delayed as commissioners began reading more parliamentary results.

However, the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (Zec) has revealed 122 seats for Zanu-PF so far, and 53 for MDC Alliance, according to ZBC state media. 

There are 210 seats in the National Assembly's lower house.

What time will the results come in tomorrow? 

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Zimbabwe election: People queue in order to cast their ballot outside a polling station in Mbare (Image: GETTY )

No set time has been confirmed for the official announcement of the full results. 

However, it could take up to five days for the final election results to be released, which means they could be released on Saturday, August 4.

The results are coming from 10,985 polling stations.

A number of civil society groups are collecting results alongside the Zimbabwe Electoral Commission (ZEC).

But they are not allowed to release results before the ZEC.