General Sir Nick Carter accused of 'gaslighting Afghan women' by claiming Taliban changed

TORY MP Nus Ghani slammed General Sir Nick Carter for claiming that the Taliban have changed.

LBC: Nus Ghani on Taliban's rule and attitude to women

Tory MP Nus Ghani has accused General Sir Nick Carter of “basically gaslighting 19 million Afghan women” in his comments which insist that the n have changed. The slamming came as the final evacuation flight left Kabul on Saturday.

When asked by LBC news host Iain Dale on whether it is a surprise to hear of General Sir Nick Carter saying that the Taliban “is not the Taliban of 20 years ago”,

Nus Ghani said that it is a “punch in the stomach”.

She told LBC News: “It's not just surprised I just think it's a punch in the stomach to be honest.

“You're basically gaslighting 90 million Afghan women, let alone all the minorities in Afghanistan who are now going to face a living nightmare.

Read more: Tobias Ellwood warns there will be 'further terrorist attacks' after UK troops leave Kabul

General Sir Nick Carter slammed

General Sir Nick Carter slammed (Image: Getty Images)

Tory MP Nus Ghani

Tory MP Nus Ghani (Image: Youtube/Cambridge Union)

“The Taliban have not changed, nor can they change.”

Nus Ghani continued: “They have to be as pure as they can in their interpretation of an Islamic state, otherwise they will lose power, and the Taliban have not changed in the overall objective, which is a never-ending war against unbelievers and to establish a caliphate.

“So basically that's you and me and everyone listening to your program.

“The Taliban have not changed, they've already put out messages to regional leaders saying if your daughter is over the age of 14 she could no longer go to school, but she should marry a Taliban fighter.”

She went on: “We're already hearing about universities being segregated and the issue about female education isn't a side issue.

“It tells you everything you need to know how secure that country's going to be, whether it's economic security or regular security, and if they're going to treat their own men, women or children like this.

“I dread to think what they're going to unleash on the rest of the world when they export their version of Islamist extremism.”

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Where are Afghans located

Where are Afghans located (Image: EXPRESS.CO.UK)

Nick Carter, Britain's chief of the defence staff, has previously said "this Taliban is a different Taliban to the one that people remember from the 1990s”.

Carter said the Taliban were essentially "country boys" who lived by the so called "Pashtunwali", the traditional tribal way of life and code of conduct of the Pashtun people.

He told the BBC: "We have to be patient, we have to hold our nerve and we have to give them the space to form a government and we have to give them the space to show their credentials.

"We may well discover, if we give them the space, that this Taliban is of course more reasonable but what we absolutely have to remember is that they are not a homogenous organisation - the Taliban is a group of disparate tribal figures that come from all over rural Afghanistan."

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