'What about my son?' Father of slain marine savages Biden's conduct during private meeting

THE father of one of the marines who tragically died in the attack on Kabul Airport raged at Joe Biden in the aftermath of his meeting with the US President.

Father of slain marine savages Biden's conduct in private meeting

Mark Schmitz and Darin Hoover, the fathers of two of the marines who lost their lives in the Kabul terrorist attack last week, broke down when talking to Fox News presenter Sean Hannity about their sons. The exchange came after the families' private meeting with  where the President gave their condolences to the families of the deceased marines but “it did not go well” for one of the fathers.

Speaking on Fox News, Sean Hannity asked the fathers: “I cannot imagine the pain the both of you are living through.

“I’m very sorry about that. Mark, you met with Biden over the weekend-how did that go?”

Mark Schmitz, father of 20-year-old son Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, said: “Well, initially I wasn't going to meet with him.

"But then I felt I owed it to my son to at least have some words with him about how I felt, and it didn't go well.

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Taylor Hoover and his father Darin Hoover

Taylor Hoover and his father Darin Hoover (Image: GETTY)

Mark Schmitz whose 20-year-old son died

Mark Schmitz whose 20-year-old son died in the attack (Image: FOx News)

He paused and went on: “He talked a bit more about his own son than we did about my son and that didn't sit well with me.”

President Biden's eldest son Beau Biden served in Iraq as a Major in the Judge Advocate General's Corps (JAG) and received a bronze medal for his service.

Mr Biden died aged 46 due to a brain tumor in 2015.

Mr Hannity said: “Your son was a hero. I can't imagine the pain. I really can't."

The Fox News host then diverted his attention to Mr Hoover, praising his son Taylor's service in the Marines: "Mr Hoover, you said about your son-he had the biggest heart in the world, and no parent-as a parent myself I think every parent watching right now understands this.

“No parent should have to bury their sons or daughter, it's not supposed to work that way.”

He continued: “He was scheduled to return home on September the 15th and retire and marry his fiance, Nicole.

“I can't imagine how you're feeling today.”

Mr Hoover said: “You know it is.


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Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz died in the terror attack

Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz died in the terror attack (Image: FOX news)

“The absolute worst feeling in the world, having them be away for so long and doing the job that they all love.

"There's no doubt about it.”

He choked on a sob and said: “Being a Marine to these guys is everything.

"And having this happen to these heroes.

"Every one of them to hero.

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