Coronation Street fears for Liam Connor as he finally tells the truth about bully Mason

Coronation Street's Liam Connor has been hiding the truth about what has been going on at school from his mother Maria Connor and step-dad Gary Windass.

Coronation Street: Secrets don't stay secrets for long on the cobbles

Coronation Street's Liam Connor (played by Charlie Wrenshall) could be set to finally teach Mason Radcliffe (Luca Toolan) a lesson as he finally tells the truth about his bullying. Liam has been continually abused by his schoolmate Mason and his parents are powerless against the situation.


After watching the lad being held at knifepoint, many shocked ITV viewers have suspected that Liam's life could be on the line and the young boy is clearly fearing the same thing.

In upcoming scenes, Dylan Wilson (Liam McCheyne) grabs Mason in the school corridor and asks if he plans on returning Liam's phone.

Mason laughs at the prospect and tells Dylan that if Liam turns up for their planned meeting, he's a dead man.

Overhearing their conversation, Liam stares Mason out in a bid not to show his fear and promises he’ll be there.

Liam and Dylan have it out (Image: ITV)

As Mason leaves, Dylan warns Liam not to meet the school bully, but being fed up with the treatment Liam is adamant that it’s time he stood up to him.

Turning up to their "meeting", Liam approaches Mason and his friends to overhear Dylan referring to him as a loser.

Goaded by Mason, Liam rams Dylan up against a wall and as Mrs Crawshaw appears, Dylan falls to the ground.

With Gary Windass (Mikey North) and Maria Connor (Samia Longchambon) being called to the school, it is made clear that Mason has done enough damage and Liam is taken to the police station.

Maria takes Liam to the police station (Image: ITV)
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Sean Tully (Anthony Cotton) rails at Gary and tells him he’s glad he reported Liam to the police as bullies need to be punished.


In the police station, Maria assures Liam that everything will be fine if he tells the truth.

Will Liam finally tell the truth about how Mason and Dylan have been treating him? If Mason finds out that Liam spoke to the police about his bullying, will there be a rough result for Liam?

Coronation Street fans have been desperate for Mason to be caught since his arrival in Weatherfield last year, with producer Iain MacLeod giving an insight into when his downfall will be.

Speaking to and other press last year, he said: "I've just read some scenes which are much deeper into the story, so they'll be airing next February or March.

"It's entirely heartbreaking in terms of the reaction of the children that are on the receiving end of the bullying, and the feelings of impotence for the parents because they know what's going on but they can't penetrate this wall of secrecy that surrounds it, because the victims don't want to speak up.

"It drives Gary and Maria's characters into quite extreme territory in terms of their emotional reaction to what they believe is happening. It's desperately sad."

Coronation Street airs Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 8pm on ITV1 and ITVX.