Bargain Hunt team 'wiped out' by brutal loss as 'unsellable' item gets rejected at auction

Bargain Hunt's red team took a risk which didn't pay off after putting their trust into expert Danny Sebastian.

By Samantha Masters, Content Editor

Bargain Hunt: Item fails to sell at auction

Bargain Hunt's red team were dealt a "nightmare" blow during the show today after one of their antique items didn't manage to sell at auction. After getting off to a slow start, father and son duo named David and James opted to purchase a £175 large vinted wooden crate containing bottles as their 'big spend' and 'challenge' item, purchased at £80.

For their next item, David and James chose an "unusual" early 20th century pocket barometer bought for £65, which was £55 off the original price. After then becoming torn between a Dunhill ashtray and metal antique candelabra for their final choice, they opted for the first item, bought for a bargain price of £5.

In response to their choices, expert Danny Sebastian told the pair he believed they would "do very well at the auction", while host Natasha Raskin also shared that she "wasn't stressed" for them after getting auctioneer Mary Chilcott's advice.

At the auction however, the red team didn't get off to the best start after losing £10 off their first item, which was sold for £70. The pair were more successful with their next item which earned them a £25 profit, followed by the tray which sold at £10.

Bargain Hunt teams

The red team were left with £11, while the blue team won with £57 (Image: BBC)

Bargain Hunt

Bargain Hunt's father and son duo were 'wounded' over the loss after taking on the expert's advice (Image: BBC)

With money left over, expert Danny decided to buy the metal antique candelabra they previously had their eye on for £9.

Explaining his reason, he shared: "I just thought it was quite a nice thing, it was quite simple, it just seemed to me that it was worth buying really."

Quizzed on how much he believed the item could make, Danny was confident that it would sell for anything between £20 to £40 and told the team a profit would be "definite".

Following his words, the team decided to take a chance on the "bonus buy" item and put their trust into Danny.

As the item was looked over by Mary however, she expressed her doubts at the candelabra selling for more than £15.

Her words were proven at the auction when she struggled to get any interest for it, which prompted her to lower the price to £5.

In a bid to try and get at least one person to bid, she said: "I'll even buy you some candles to put in it. £5 anyone?"

Despite her best efforts to sell the item, not a single buyer came forward.

The surprising result was met with a gasp from the team and the expert, as dad Danny exclaimed: "I'm wounded, absolutely wounded."

James added: "That's wiped us out."

"She didn't even manage to sell it," Natasha chimed in, expressing her shock.

The host then tried to lift their spirits by telling them that they weren't "wiped out" and still had £11.

"You took a risk and it didn't pay off, but 11 could be a winning score," she added.

With the Blue team making £46 more than their rivals however, they stayed in second place.

Bargain Hunt continues tomorrow at 12:15pm on BBC One.

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