Small business landscape in 2013

Bibby Financial Services

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At the end of October came the news that the UK had climbed out of the recession, with no small part played by the Olympic Games. Whilst a one off event such as the Olympics has a huge impact and should leave a legacy, for us to stay the right side of recession the importance rests with the many small and medium businesses throughout the country.

So, what does 2013 hold for them?

The changing landscape in 2012

The focus on small and medium businesses in 2012 has been centred on their finances. Specifically on funding for small businesses to help keep them afloat amidst difficult economic conditions as well as the working capital to help them expand in the UK and into foreign markets.

2012 saw the introduction of many schemes, such as Funding for Lending, brought in by the Coalition Government to provide the assistance needed. However, due to the involvement of banks and their lending conditions, many small businesses are still facing difficulties to obtain the necessary funding for survival.

However, during this year we’ve seen the continuing increase of alternative finance solutions such as those provided by invoice finance specialists Bibby Financial Services.


The facts

Tracking the performance of 4,000 of their clients – using the Business Factors Index – Bibby Financial Services – have seen an increase in terms of turnover levels in both the construction and manufacturing sectors. Consistently over the first three quarters of the year, the figures have continued to rise.

-    Those in the manufacturing sector have seen a rise of 5.5% since the last quarter

-    While those in construction have seen an increase of 0.2% between Q2 and Q3

This can be compared to falls of 0.9% in construction and 2.2% in manufacturing during the same period.

So, what does this tell us? It may be difficult to make long term predictions but in certain sectors it looks as if those businesses using invoice finance and other asset-based forms of lending are starting to pick up; something which is vital to keep us out of recession moving into 2013.

Cross section of SMEs

Furthering the research, Bibby also surveyed another 450 SMEs in the UK – outside of their client base. The findings here were a more grim outlook with many businesses still struggling in the current economy with signs of recovery looking distant.

Many have seen a drop in orders, as well as customers.

Knowing what 2013 will bring

It’s a difficult task to predict what 2013 will bring. Staying out of recession is one thing, moving forward as an economy is definitely another. However, looking at the figures provided by Bibby, the changing financial landscape could continue to shift towards asset based lending.

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