St Johnstone boss says losses must end

ST JOHNSTONE chief Geoff Brown yesterday announced annual pre-tax losses topping £200,000.

St Johnstone chief Geoff Brown yesterday announced annual pre-tax losses topping £200,000

And while the Perth club has no overdraft and enjoys the cushion of a seven-figure bank balance, he

warned Saints can’t go on leaking cash.

The economic climate has been biting hard and Brown also gave the green light to a £100,000 investment in a new pitch.

Brown said: “This loss is greater than a club of our size can reasonably be expected to bear.

“Gate receipts and season ticket revenue has fallen, albeit there are mitigating circumstances which contributed to this reduction which were

outwith the club’s control.”

“These figures obviously have a significant effect on the club’s  finances but due to previous good financial husbandry we remain in a sound financial position. However, we must continue to increase our revenue in all areas, notwithstanding the difficult economic times, and exercise greater control of our costs in order that such a loss is not repeated, as these cannot be sustained on an ongoing basis.”


We must continue to increase our revenue in all areas, notwithstanding the difficult economic times, and exercise greater control of our costs

Geoff Brown

Brown, who sanctioned a summer recruitment drive, gave a pat on the back to manager Derek McInnes and assistant Tony Docherty for finishing eighth in the top flight last season and reaching a Scottish Cup semi-final.

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