Burley: SFA banned duo

George Burley has made it clear that, however disappointed he felt by the antics of Barry Ferguson and Allan McGregor, it was the SFA board who banned the Rangers pair.

TROUBLE: Ferguson's gesture

The Scotland boss, above, has been vilified in some quarters for the decision to leave the duo without an international future, but he has come out fighting.

Burley said: “To finally clear everything up, a manager doesn’t decide who is banned. The only group who can make that decision is the board of the SFA.”

Burley’s comments comeat the end of the most difficult fortnight of his managerial career, when he led the country to defeat in Holland and a victory over Iceland that maintains the possibility of reaching the World Cup Finals in South Africa.

Amid it all, Fergie and McGregor had that now infamous booze-up and made V-signs from the Hampden bench, moves that led to the biggest story to rock Scottish football for years.

Burley has tried to stay calm, despite personal criticism, and, although it’s clear he supported his employers in their hardline stance, he’s keen to ensure the facts are known.


He said: “It’s been a very difficult time. First of all, though, it’s important to remember we beat Iceland in front of the biggest crowd Scotland has had for a midweek match for 15 years.

“And we did it with commitment, quality and a new team that is evolving.

“However, the things before and during the game weren’t great. As a manager, I’ll protect my players all I can and I stuck by the two players. But when I actually saw the TV I was disappointed and hurt by their actions.

“So I was very hurt by what happened, felt it was totally disrespectful and came to a decision.

“The board then ask the manager what he thinks. They decide if there’s a ban and, if there is, for how long.”


Burley was also keen to make clear it’s the SFA who can overturn any ban.

He said: “It’s they who decide if somebody should be available again.

“The SFA might come and ask my opinion and I will give it.”

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