Expats: 'Happiest' countries in the world - but where did the UK rank? Top 10 list

EXPATS relocate overseas for all manner of reasons, but finding somewhere they will be happy to call home is crucial. Which are the happiest countries in the world?

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Whether you're thinking of retiring overseas or you have been given a new job opportunity abroad, becoming an can be a big leap. However, if you know the nation you are moving to is one where its citizens are happy, it can certainly help.

This is where the World Happiness Report can come in handy.

The report traditionally looks at factors such as levels of GDP, life expectancy, generosity, social support, freedom and corruption income.

However, since the coronavirus pandemic struck, experts behind the data have found new factors to analyse.

According to The World Happiness Report: "This year’s report focuses on the effects of COVID-19 on happiness and how countries have differed in their success in reducing the deaths and maintaining connected and healthy societies."


Happy girl in Finland

Finland has been ranked the "happiest" country in the world. (Image: Getty Images)

Data also included the effects of the pandemic on happiness, mental health, social connections, and the workplace.

But which nations come out as the happiest in the world, and did the UK make it into the top 10?

Top 10 countries in the world according to the latest World Happiness Report

1. Finland

2. Iceland










3. Denmark

4. Switzerland

5. Netherlands

6. Sweden

7. Germany

8. Norway

9. New Zealand

10. Austria

Expat destinations for Britons mapped

The top 10 most popular countries for Britons to move to (Image: DX)

Unfortunately, the UK did not make it into the top 10 countries listed in the World Happiness Report.

However, the UK did make it into the top 20, ranking in 18th place with a score of 6.798.

Based on the data analysed, Finland came out as the happiest nation with a score of 7.889.

The Nordic nation was followed by Iceland, in second place, with a Happiness Report score of 7.575.

Neighbouring Denmark came in third place, with a score of 7.515, and Switzerland came in fourth with a score of 7.508.

The Netherlands and Sweden came in fifth and sixth places, with scores of 7.504 and 7.314 respectively.

The top 10 was completed by Germany, Norway, Austria and New Zealand, with scores between 7.290 and 7.213.

Other nations which made it into the top 20, alongside the UK, include Canada, Ireland and Australia.

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