Best country to relocate to this year with 'most affordable' healthcare - it's not Spain

BRITISH planning to move to another country this year may want to consider important factors such as the quality of life and healthcare.

By Andrea Blazquez, Lifestyle Editor

expats countries

Best country to relocate to this year with 'most affordable' healthcare - it's not Spain (Image: Getty)

The Expat Insider 2022 Survey revealed that Mexico is "the easiest country to settle in".

Mexico came first in the local friendliness, finding friends, and culture and welcome subcategories.

British expats living in the country described the local residents as friendly and most expats found it easy to get a visa with 91 percent stating they are very happy with their life in Mexico.

Indonesia came second and was named the country "where your money goes a long way".

Indonesia performed best in the ease of settling in and personal finance as two in three expats said that their disposable household income is more than enough to lead a comfortable life.

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Thailand excels in the quality of medical care (85 percent vs. 72 percent globally). (Image: Getty)

Taiwan came in third place as a "safe and financially stable" country.

Taiwan ranked best in the quality of life index and most expats found healthcare "affordable" (100 percent vs 61 percent globally) and "widely available" (98 percent vs. 73 percent globally) making it one of the countries with the cheapest medical care.

Portugal is the first European country in the ranking but came fourth as the best country to relocate to in 2022.

The country was described as "sunny, friendly and with lots to do" with about one-quarter of expats moving to Portugal for a better quality of life.


British living in the country enjoy the weather and find it easy to make local friends.

Spain was named the nation with "the best quality of life" for British expats as they described the variety of culinary and dining options as very affordable.

Spain was followed by the UAE and Vietnam, described as places with "amazing career opportunities" and "the best for personal finance".

In fact, Vietnam is the world’s best country on the Personal Finance Index, and 92 percent of expats said that their disposable household income was enough or more than enough to lead a comfortable life.

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Spain was named the nation with "the best quality of life" for British expats. (Image: Getty)

Thailand, in the eighth position, is the best country for "finances, social life and medical care".

The country excels in the quality of medical care (85 percent vs. 72 percent globally) making it another suitable country for those prioritising easy access to local healthcare.

While public healthcare is free for permanent residents or working expats, it is recommended they get private medical insurance.

Australia was named the best country for "work and relaxation" with expats particularly happy with the Working Abroad Index

Finally, British expats described Singapore, the tenth in the list, as a country where is "easy to manage everyday life".

Best destinations to relocate to in 2022:











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