Fear of flying? Pilots reveal the near fatal crashes passengers had NO idea about


You may not have been aware of a near crash

AN ONLINE thread has revealed some of the most horrifying near misses passengers wouldn’t have even known about.

You may feel nervous when you board a plane, fearful of an accident occurring.

But despite safely landed at your destination, you may have come closer to death than you realise.


Pilots on a Reddit thread have revealed the most terrifying things to happen to them whilst flying.

And some confessions may leave you shocked.

One user wrote:ATC (air traffic control) gave my plane clearance to take off on runway 35 (north) at airport GFK while simultaneously allowing for a similar aircraft to depart from runway 26 (west). 

“These runways cross one another, we almost collided at 500 AGL (above ground level). The other aircraft was so close I could make out the expression on the pilot's face.”

Another said: “Flying into a high elevation port in Asia 23,000 feet on descent had a TOTAL loss of electrical power. All screens went dark including standby instruments and emergency lighting. To put this into perspective airbus designed this aircraft with three electrical generators in addition to power supplied by batteries and the emergency generator. 

“It is designed NEVER to be without electrical power even if BOTH the engines failed, you ran completely out of fuel and the auxiliary power unit is in operative. It’s a scenario pilots don’t even train for because its never suppose to happen.”



Pilots have to try and keep their cool in the air

Airline pilot here, going on 4 years now. I was flying into a small Midwestern airport in the middle of summer. On approach to the airport, we received an alert by the on-board equipment to climb immediately to avoid hitting another plane. Fair enough, climb as instructed, see the offending aircraft below us, and decide to continue the approach.

"On a 3 mile straight in final to the runway, we spot a wall of torrential rain rapidly approaching the field. Looks far enough away that we think that we can beat it to the airport. About 100 ft off the runway the rain hits us and we go complete white out, cant see anything out of the windshield.

"Immediately start a go-around, and we get as low as 20 ft before the airplane finally starts climbing.

"Upon exiting the rain, and at about 500 ft, we finally are able to see again, and get ANOTHER alert for a helicopter right in front of us. This time we are told to descend... All in all, the most hectic and terrifying series of events in my entire time in aviation."

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Couple book flights to Las Vegas from Birmingham USA instead of Birmingham UK

One user revealed: "My mom is a flight attendant and has been since the early 1970's.

"She was on a flight home last month, and as they touched down, the entire window on the co-pilot's side of the flight deck popped out from it's frame and fell away. Luckily they remained calm and neither pilot was injured."

And one said: "I was flying from Boston to Columbus Ohio, and in between us was a HUGE line of thunderstorms. In events like that, ATC will, in short, let you draw your own flight path to dodge the intense weather cells. The plane has weather radar in the nose and gives us a visual map of red "spots" to avoid. The flight was 3 hours long and the Captain and I were spending every second of that time flying up, down, left, and right, dodging lightning and turbulence.

"Sweat was pouring down my face as I was using my best judgement on which direction to fly. We must have done a good job because the flight attendant called up to the flight deck to say all the passengers were sound asleep!"

This story comes after flight attendants revealed their darkest secrets.