As you've probably already noticed, Fandango has been all over the 2009 San Diego Comic-Con, providing detailed analysis on all the big goings-on at this year's geek convention. In between the madness, there were a few extra things we wanted to let you know about – ere's a roundup of some more cool Con-related movie bits that went down…

-- During the Tron Legacy presentation, fans who held Flynn's Arcade coins were instructed to head over to a secret location where Disney surprised them with what was perhaps the coolest piece of viral promotion from the convention this year: an actual 80s-style arcade, complete with games, a light cycle being used in the film and more. Check out video of the reveal over here. Also, in addition to the Tron arcade, a teaser trailer for the sequel was also released. Watch that here.

-- New posters have arrived online for Jonah Hex, Shutter Island, A Nightmare on Elm Street and Sherlock Holmes. Take a look...

-- Are you dying to watch one of the scenes screened for fans who attended the New Moon panel? Maybe you'll pay more attention if I tell you that Taylor Lautner takes off his shirt. Anyway, the scene leaked onto YouTube and you can watch it here.

-- Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman were talking up Star Trek the other night, and they let it slip that the next film might contain a story arc that could stretch over into a third installment. [io9]

-- James Cameron confirmed to Entertainment Weekly that a 3D version of Titanic is being worked on now. Warner Bros., however, isn't too keen on a 3D version of the Lord of the Rings trilogy because they don't feel there are currently enough screens to warrant such a move. [EW]

-- It was announced that Michael Keaton has joined the cast of Toy Story 3 as Ken, Barbie's boyfriend.

That's all for now. In the meantime, check out all the rest of Fandango's Comic-Con coverage right over here.