I'm not a Bill Maher fan, nor am I invested in this subject matter. Given that, I set myself up to immediately dislike Religulous on the assumption Bill would gun for decent, unsuspecting religious folk who just want to play nice and answer his questions.


I was wrong. Sure, there's some snide in there, but overall Maher investigates people who feel strongly about their religion with the gusto of an earnest reporter; rather than belittling them for their feelings, he asks the tough questions without pretending to know the answers. It moves a little fast and enough with the guy who plays Jesus at Holy Land Experience in Orlando, but overall it's an entertaining look at myriad religious views and who upholds them.

Also new and notable:

Changeling Angelina Jolie well deserves her Oscar nod for a skillful performance in this difficult, troubling Clint Eastwood-directed film that centers on a mother's search for her missing son.
Body of Lies Ridley Scott directs Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe in this action-packed spy thriller about CIA operatives combatting terrorism in the Middle East. Ridley Scott explains his take on the story in this exclusive clip.
High School Musical 3: Senior Year Surprisingly enjoyable, light Disney escapism featuring an easy-on-the-eyes cast and some contagious songs.
Quarantine Speaking of contagious, "Dexter" star Jennifer Carpenter stars in this hysteria-laden shockfest about a rabies-like virus breakout that provides some decent scares, if you can stand the shaky-cam.
Choke Making a movie out of Chuck Palahniuk's novel whose main character is an unlikeable con man/sex addict is no small challenge. Understandably, the movie itself isn't great, but it does boast some excellent performances by Sam Rockwell and Anjelica Huston.
The Midnight Meat Train This very limited release adaptation of a Clive Barker short story is well worth a look on DVD, with Vinnie Jones as a serial butcher of late-night subway riders who crosses paths with a photographer.