Are you heading to San Diego Comic Con this year? The largest fan convention in the country is gearing up for what looks to be another jam-packed year full of comics, costumes and panels featuring some never-before-seen looks at some of your most anticipated upcoming films.

Most of the film-related action is set to take place in the convention's Hall H, which seats roughly 6000-6500 people. This year Hall H will be converted to 3D for the first time to add a little bit of extra fun and spice to panels for films like Avatar, Alice in Wonderland, A Christmas Carol and Tron 2. Other highlights of the four-day extravaganza include a conversation with James Cameron and Peter Jackson (who'll be on hand to promote the upcoming sci-fi flick District 9), panels for Paramount (Iron Man 2), Warner Bros. (Where the Wild Things Are, The Book of Eli, etc), Sony Pictures (2012, Zombieland, etc) and, of course, Summit Entertainment, who will bring Astro Boy, Sorority Row and a little movie about vampires called New Moon.

Yes, like last year, The Twilight Saga is prepared to hit the convention hard for New Moon. Expect thousands of screaming fans alongside cast, filmmakers and a bunch of new footage. Films that, surprisingly, aren't on the list to make an appearance include Disney's The Prince of Persia, The Sorcerer's Apprentice, Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, Halloween 2, Gamer, Saw VI, Robin Hood, Jennifer's Body and The Fantastic Mr. Fox, among others. However, look for one or more of those films to make a surprise appearance at some point, a la last year's big to-do for X-Men Origins: Wolverine.

You can scope out the entire Comic Con schedule right over here. What are you looking forward to seeing or hearing about the most?