All of a sudden, Kevin Hart is everywhere. Audiences will be able to see the stand-up comic (and budding actor) alongside Sly Stallone and Robert De Niro in Grudge Match on Christmas Eve. Early next year, Hart is headlining a remake of the relationship comedy About Last Night. But the picture that has the potential to launch Hart’s career into the stratosphere – or, at least, higher than it already is – will be the buddy-cop comedy Ride Along, which just dropped its second full trailer. 

This formula, pairing polar opposite in an action-heavy story, has worked for decades. The key is finding the right chemistry between the leads. Someone has to be the “bad cop,” and Ice Cube appears to be an inspired choice to menace the well-meaning Hart in this comedy. 
Also, the action looks solid. Sometimes, these comedies focus so much on the jokes, the action set pieces are throw-away moments. Ride Along seems to have found the right balance. 
There’s even rumor that this movie works so well, Hart and Cube have signed on to a sequel. That’s a vote of confidence for a movie that doesn’t open until January 17. 
Now that you’ve seen a longer trailer, are you interested? 
UPDATE: Advance tickets for Ride Along just went on sale! 
And Fandango additionally is launching the “Fandango RIDE ALONG Sweepstakes." Fans can enter online at, or be automatically entered when they make a RIDE ALONG ticket purchase at, for the chance to win their very own 2014 Dodge Charger R/T—like the one depicted in the new action comedy that hits theaters on January 17, 2014. Ten lucky recipients will have the chance to win $100 gas cards as first prizes.
Fans can also earn additional entries into the sweepstakes by inviting friends to participate through Facebook, Twitter and Google+. Participants must be 18 years of age or older, and all entries must be submitted by 9:00 a.m. PT on Saturday, January 25, 2014. Full rules and other details about the sweepstakes can be found at
