
Kong: Skull Island: Michael Keaton, widely acclaimed for his starring role in Oscar contender Birdman (above), has joined Kong: Skull Island. Tom Hiddleston and J.K. Simmons (Whiplash) are already set to star in the adventure, which follows a team of explorers on an island inhabited by prehistoric beasts; Jordan Vogt-Roberts (The Kings of Summer) will direct. [Deadline]


Daniel Craig, Lea Seyoux, Dave Bautista on the 'SPECTRE' location

SPECTRE: Earlier this week we shared a teasing, behind-the-scenes photo from the set of SPECTRE, the next James Bond adventure, and now actress Lea Seydoux has posted more photos that show her with Daniel Craig and Dave Bautista atop a mountain in Austria during a break from filming. We suspect their scenes in the movie, out on November 6, will be a bit more combative, but for now we can enjoy the sight of them happy together. [Twitter]

Lea Seydoux on location for 'SPECTRE'



Downsizing: Reese Witherspoon will reunite with director Alexander Payne (Election, above) for his upcoming social satire Downsizing. Matt Damon will star as a man who "realizes he would have a better life if he were to shrink himself." It's not known exactly when filming might begin; Damon is first committed to making a new installment of the Bourne spy-action franchise. [Deadline]


The Lazarus Effect

The Lazarus Effect Trailer: Olivia Wilde stars in the first trailer for horror-thriller The Lazarus Effect. She plays a medical researcher with the goal of bringing people back to life; little does she know that soon she will need the experimental technique herself. Mark Duplass and Donald Glover also star in the movie, coming to theaters on February 27. [MovieClips]