Well, another fun-filled week of movie news, reviews and previews has gone by, and now it's time for you – yes you! – to help pick the hottest story of the week. Who shocked you? What entertained you? Which casting move made sense, and which was probably, like, the stupidest decision ever made? Check out the five stories below and then vote on which one you think deserves the honor of Hottest of the Week …

1. 'Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince' Breaks Box Office RecordsThe boy wizard returned to theaters this week with a bang, pulling in a whopping $22 million in midnight showings alone giving this sixth installment in the series the best Wednesday midnight opening of all time – beating The Dark Knight by a cool $4 million.

2. Ryan Reynolds Is the Green Lantern – When we parted ways at the end of last week, the Green Lantern role was up for grabs and three men were vying for it: Ryan Reynolds, Justin Timberlake and Bradley Cooper. However, this week began with news that Reynolds won the coveted role, and though he just played a comic character in X-Men Origins: Wolverine, there was no way he could pass up the chance to take on the iconic green superhero.

3. First Image of ScarJo in 'Iron Man 2' – Yesterday as part of their Comic-Con preview, Entertainment Weekly unleashed the first image of Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow in Iron Man 2 … and, well, she kinda looks like a sexier Catwoman. Even her crawling-on-the-floor pose gives off a sort of cat-like vibe. Hot? Yes. Impressive? We'll wait to see more.

4. Hugh Jackman: Avon Lady – All you Hugh Jackman fans out there were somewhat surprised to see the hunky star sign up for a film in which he'll play an unemployed dad who begins to sell Avon products in order to keep his family afloat. There's nothing sexier than a man that sells make-up, right ladies?

5. 'The Twilight Saga: New Moon' Set Visit – Fandango's own Lizerne Guiting filed a spoiler-heavy report from the set of New Moon, where she rubbed elbows with The Pattinson, The Stewart and The Werewolves! I'd give her props for surviving the visit without proposing marriage to Pattinson, but you might give her props simply because she's got a cool name.

So there you have it! Now it's your turn to vote on which story you think is the hottest of the week. Have a great weekend everyone!