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Highway Taxes and Fees: How They Are Collected and Distributed - 2001

Part 2 of 2

3-AXLE 18 /
5-AXLE 19 /
21 /
21 /
21 /
  (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14)
Alabama Gross vehicle weight. A $1.25
issuance fee is included in
columns (5) and (8).
$23 for up to 8,000 pounds to $845
for 80,001 pounds and over.
Flat fee. A $1.25 issuance
fee is included in columns
(6) and (9).
$20 per semitrailer. $586.25 $21.25 $607.50 $781.25 $21.25 $802.50 - - - -
Alaska Unladen weight. $78 for 10,000 pounds or less to
$640 for 18,001 pounds and over.
Flat fee. $10 permanent registration. 246.00 10.00 256.00 494.00 10.00 504.00 494.00 10.00 10.00 514.00
Arizona Flat fee plus fee based on
gross weight of combination.
$12.00 flat fee plus $7.50 for
8,000 pounds or less to $918.00 for
80,000 pounds.
Flat fee. Registered with tractor
truck plus $49 flat fee.
534.00 49.00 583.00 930.00 49.00 979.00 - - - -
Arkansas Gross weight of combination. $6.50 per 1,000 pounds for
6,001 pounds to $14.30 per
1,000 pounds for 80,000 pounds.
Flat fee. Registered with tractor
truck, plus $20
identification tag fee.
497.00 20.00 517.00 1,350.00 20.00 1,370.00 1,350.00 20.00 20.00 1,390.00
California Flat fee plus weight fee based
on unladen weight and
number of axles.
$28 flat fee plus $8 for 3,000 pounds
or less 2-axle truck to $1,016 for a
3-axle truck over 15,000 pounds.
Flat fee plus weight fee
based on unladen
$28 flat fee plus $39 for
2,000 pounds to $1,016 for
over 15,000 pounds.
388.00 336.00 724.00 952.00 721.00 1,673.00 952.00 721.00 490.00 2,163.00
Colorado Empty weight for 16,000
pounds or less. Declared
gross weight plus annual
mileage groups for over
16,000 pounds.
$7.60 for 2,000 pounds or less to
$233.00 for 16,000 pounds. An
additional registration fee of $12.00
for less than 7 yrs. old; $10.00 for
7 yrs. old but less than 10 yrs. old;
$7.00 for 10 yrs. and older. $273.00
for 16,001 pounds and driven less
than 30,000 miles per year to
$2,373.00 for over 74,000 pounds
and driven more than 30,000 miles
per year plus $10.00. An additional
fee of $1.50, a $1.00 clerk fee, a
50 cent emission fee, $1.00
Emergency Medical Network, and
a $2.00 fee for cars with air
conditioners are included in
columns (5), (8) and (11).
Flat fee. $7.50 per semitrailer. An
additional fee of $1.50, a
$1.00 clerk fee and
50 cent emission fee are
included in columns (6),
(9), (12) and (13).
709.00 10.50 719.50 2,105.00 10.50 2,115.50 2,105.00 10.50 10.50 2,126.00
Connecticut Gross weight of combination. $1.15 per cwt. up to 20,000 pounds
to $1.90 per cwt. for over
73,000 pounds. Minimum fee: $39.00.
Flat fee. $35 per semitrailer. 788.00 35.00 823.00 1,520.00 35.00 1,555.00 - - - -
Delaware Gross weight. $20 for first 5,000 pounds
and $16.80 for each additional
1,000 pounds.
Gross weight. Vehicle
owners are allowed to
put the entire registration
weight on the truck
tractor and no weight on
$20 for first 5,000 pounds
and $16.80 for each
additional 1,000 pounds.
440.00 238.40 678.40 708.80 507.20 1,216.00 - - - -
Optional basis: Gross of
  $20 for each trailer
(maximum of 3 trailers
with a single tractor
692.00 20.00 712.00 1,280.00 20.00 1,300.00 - - - -
District of
Empty weight groups. A $10
inspection fee is assessed in
addition to the fees shown.
$95 for less than 3,000 pounds to
$479 for 16,000 pounds and over.
Empty weight groups. A
$10 inspection fee is
assessed in addition to
the fees shown.
$20 for less than 500
pounds to $431 for
16,000 pounds and over.
$228.00 $176.00 $404.00 $340.00 $361.00 $701.00 - - - -
Florida Gross weight of combination.
Flat fees in twelve different
weight groups and applicable
add-on fees are identical to
those contained in column (5)
for single-unit trucks, gross
weight groups. Add-on fees
are included in column (2).
$256.10 for 34,999 pounds or less
to $995.10 for 72,000 pounds
and over.
Flat fee. A $3 service
charge, a 50 cent
reflectorized plate fee, a
50 cent Real Time Vehicle
Information System fee, a
$1 Air Pollution Control
fee, a $1 Law
Enforcement Radio System
fee, a $2 License Plate
Replacement fee, a $2
surcharge, a 18 cent fee
for Theft Prevention
Programs, 10 cent
Emergency Medical
Services fee, 42 cent
Juvenile Justice fee, and a
40 cent fee to the General
Revenue Fund are included
in columns (4) through (13).
$21.10 per semitrailer. 588.10 21.10 609.20 995.10 21.10 1,016.20 - - - -
Georgien Gross weight. $20 for 14,000 pounds or less
to $400 to maximum weight, "not
for hire" trucks, or to $725 to
maximum weight, "for hire" trucks.
Flat fee. Registered with tractor
truck, plus $12 flat fee.
190.00 12.00 202.00 400.00 12.00 412.00 - - - -
Hawaii Flat fee ( $20 ) plus net weight
tax of 2 cents per pound for
the City and County of
Honolulu and Kauai County,
1 cent per pound for Hawaii
County and 1.5 cents per
pound for Maui County.
$201.50 for 6,000 pounds to $571.50
for 20,000 pounds in the City and
County of Honolulu, $201.00 to
$571.00 in Kauai County, $171.50 to
$471.50 in Maui County and
$141.50 to $371.50 in Hawaii
County for the same tractor trucks.
Same schedule as for
tractor trucks.
Same schedule as for
tractor trucks.
244.18 157.50 401.68 319.90 286.50 606.40 - - - -
393.67 191.50 485.17 394.10 344.00 738.10 - - - -
Plus State net weight tax
0.75 cent per pound for
4,000 pounds or less;
$1.00 per pound for 4,001 to
7,000 pounds; 1.25 cent
per pound for 7,001 to
10,000 pounds; flat rate
of $150.00 for over
10,000 pounds. 9/
Idaho Gross weight of combination.
A $3.00 reflectorized plate fee
($ 6.00 per tractor truck) is
assessed when new plates are
issued. A $ 1.25 emergency
medical services fee is
included in columns (5), (8)
and (11). 22/
$48.00 for 16,000 pounds or less
to $515.40 for 50,001 to 60,000
pounds . $210.00 to $ $4,500.00
depending on miles traveled for
60,001 to 106,000 pounds.
Flat fee. A $3.00
reflectorized plate fee is
assessed when new
plates are issued. A
$1.25 emergency
medical services fee is
included in columns (6),
(9), (12) and (13).
$15 per semitrailer. $361.25 $16.25 $377.50 $3,201.75 $16.25 $3,218.00 $4,501.25 $16.25 $16.25 $4,533.75
Illinois Flat fee plus fee based on
gross weight of combination.
$10 flat fee plus $38 for gross
weight of 8,000 pounds or less to
$2,190 for 80,000 pounds.
Flat fee. Registered with tractor
truck. Additional $60 fee
for 5 years. (Paid when
first registered.)
1,110.00 - 1,110.00 2,200.00 - 2,200.00 - - - -
Optional basis: Flat fee plus
mileage weight tax.
$10 flat fee plus $58 for
12,000 pounds or less to $1,100 for
80,000 pounds with per mile tax on
annual mileage exceeding
stipulated amounts.
Optional basis: Flat fee
plus mileage weight tax.
Registered with tractor
truck. Additional $60 fee
for 5 years. ( Paid when
first registered.)
3,119.00 - 3,119.00 17,170.00 - 17,170.00 - - - -
Indiana Gross weight of combination.
A 25 cent Public Safety fee
and a 50 cent financial
responsibility fee are included
in columns (5), (8) and (11).
$170 for 20,000 pounds or less to
$1,350 for over 78,000 pounds.
Flat fee or gross weight of
tractor and trailer
combined. A 25 cent
Public Safety fee and a
50 cent financial
responsibility fee are
included in columns (6),
(9), (12) and (13).
$30 per semitrailer on an
annual basis.
660.75 30.75 691.50 1,350.75 30.75 1,381.50 1,350.75 30.75 30.75 1,412.25
Iowa Gross weight of combination. $65 for 3 tons or less ($55 after ten
registrations) to $1,695 for 40 tons.
Over 40 tons $1,695 plus $80 for
each ton over 40 tons.
Flat fee. $10 per semitrailer. 795.00 10.00 805.00 1,695.00 10.00 1,705.00 - - - -
Kansas Gross weight of combination. $35.00 for 12,000 pounds or less to
$1,925.00 for 85,500 pounds. A
$2.25 service fee is included in
columns (5) and (8).
Gross weight groups. $15.00 for 8,000 pounds or
less to $35.00 for
12,000 pounds or more.
A $2.25 service fee is
included in columns (6)
and (9).
602.25 37.25 639.50 1,727.25 37.25 1,764.50 - - - -
Kentucky Gross weight of combination.
A $3 service charge and a 50
cent Reflectorized Plate fee
are included in columns (5)
and (8).
$11.50 for 6,000 pounds or less to
$1,260.00 for 82,000 pounds.
Flat fee. A $1.00 service
charge is included in
columns (6) and (9).
Registered with tractor
truck, plus $19.50 flat fee.
547.50 20.50 568.00 1,261.50 20.50 1,282.00 - - - -
Louisiana Gross weight of combination. $10 per year for a 4 year period for
6,000 pounds or less to $1,056 for
88,000 pounds, paid annually.
Flat fee. $10 per semitrailer. 273.50 10.00 283.50 494.00 10.00 504.00 - - - -
Maine Gross weight of combination. $23 for 6,000 pounds or less
to $980 for 90,000 pounds. $40
rebate for vehicles registered for
more than 23,000 pounds gross
vehicle weight and attesting to
exclusive operation in the
power unit semitrailer mode.
Flat fee. $16 per semitrailer. $408.00 $16.00 $424.00 $835.00 $16.00 $851.00 - - - -
Maryland Gross weight of combination. $14.50 per 1,000 pounds for
60,000 pounds or less,
40,000 pounds minimum,
to $16.00 per 1,000 pounds up
to 80,000 pounds. An $8.00
surcharge is included in
columns (3), (6) and (9).
Freight-flat rate.
Nonfreight-gross weight
Trailer fee (freight) $20.25.
Trailer fee (nonfreight)
$13.50 for 3,000 pounds or
less up to $81.00 for
20,000 pounds.
660.50 20.25 680.75 1,288.00 20.25 1,308.25 - - - -
Massachusetts Gross weight of combination. $15 per 1,000 pounds for greater
than 5,000 pounds. Annual minimum
fee, $90.
Flat fee for 5 years. $250 for 5 years. 675.00 250.00 925.00 1,200.00 250.00 1,450.00 1,575.00 250.00 250.00 2,075.00
Michigan Gross weight of combination. $378 for under 24,000 pounds to
$2,398 for over 160,000 pounds.
Empty weight. $17 for 500 pounds or less
to $39 for over 1,500 pounds.
773.00 39.00 812.00 1,277.00 39.00 1,316.00 - - - -
Minnesota Gross weight of combination
and age. Fee reduced in the
eighth year of vehicle life.
$90 for 9,000 pounds or less to
$1,760 for 81,000 pounds. Fee
reduced by 25 percent for vehicles
9 years old and older.
Manufacturing cost of
plate. Registered with
power unit.
Registered with power
595.00 - 595.00 1,760.00 - 1,760.00 - - - -
Mississippi Flat fee plus gross weight of
$10.00 tag fee plus $7.20 for
6,000 pounds or less to $2,862.00
for 80,000 pounds combined
gross weight.
Flat fee. Tag fee plus
privilege tax.
Registered with tractor
truck, plus $10 tag fee
and $10 privilege tax.
1,338.25 20.00 1,358.25 2,872.00 20.00 2,892.00 - - - -
Missouri Gross weight of combination. $25.50 for 6,000 pounds or
less to $1,719.50 for over
78,000 pounds.
Flat fee. $7.50 per semitrailer. 550.50 7.50 558.00 1,719.50 7.50 1,727.00 - - - -
Montana Flat fee plus gross weight fee. $15.25 flat fee plus gross weight
fee of $21.00 for 16,000 pounds
or less to $750.00 for
80,000 pounds plus $46.00
for each 2,000 pounds
over 80,000 pounds.
Empty weight. $10.25 for 6,000 pounds or
less; $15.25 for more than
6,000 pounds.
125.25 15.25 140.50 315.25 15.25 330.50 315.25 15.25 15.25 345.75
Optional basis: Gross weight of
$571.00 for 42,000 pounds or less
to $1,653.00 for 78,000 pounds
plus $65.00 for each 2,000 pounds
over 78,000 pounds.
No additional fee. Registered with tractor
691.00 - 691.00 1,718.50 - 1,718.50 2,570.00 - - 2,570.00
Nebraska Gross weight of combination.
An additional fee of $1.50
and a county fee of $ 1.00 is
included in columns (5) and
(8). A $ 1.50 per plate fee is
assessed when new plates are
$18 for 3 tons or less to $810 for
36 tons. Fees increased by
20 percent in excess of 36 tons if
operated off the Interstate
Highway System.
Flat fee. An additional
fee of $1.50 and a
county fee of $1.00 is
included in columns (6)
and (9). A $1.50 per
plate fee is assessed
when new plates are issued.
$1.00 per semitrailer. $487.50 $3.50 $491.00 $932.50 $3.50 $936.00 - - - -
Nevada Declared gross weight groups. $33 for 6,000 pounds or less
to $48 for 10,000 pounds. Over
10,000 to 26,000 pounds, $12 per
1,000 pounds. Over 26,000 to
80,000 pounds, $17
per 1,000 pounds.
Empty weight. $12 for empty weight of
1,000 pounds or less to $24
for over 1,000 pounds.
765.00 24.00 789.00 1,360.00 24.00 1,384.00 1,360.00 24.00 24.00 1,408.00
Gross weight of combination
plus additional $1.50 per
plate reflectorized plate fee
when new plates are issued.
For gross combination weights to
73,280 pounds, 84 cents per cwt.
Plus for gross combination weights
over 73,281 pounds $1.44 per cwt.
or portion thereof.
No additional fee for first
(heaviest) semitrailer.
Registered with tractor
truck. Additional
semitrailer, $24.00 flat fee
plus $1.50 reflectorized
plate fee when new
plates are issued.
378.00 - 378.00 1,152.00 - 1,152.00 - - - -
New Jersey Gross weight of combination.
A $2.50 inspection fee is
assessed in addition to the
fees shown.
$53.50 for 5,000 pounds or less to
$19.50 for 1,000 pounds for over
40,000 to 70,000 pounds.
Flat fee. A $2.50
inspection fee is assessed
in addition to the fees
$18 per year. 433.50 18.00 451.50 841.00 18.00 859.00 - - - -
New Mexico Gross weight of combination
and age. 12/
$30 for 4,000 pounds or less
to $151 for 26,000 pounds. $88.50
for 26,001 to 48,000 pounds,
and $129.50 for 48,001 pounds
and over. Fee reduced
20 percent after 5 years for
trucks under 26,000 pounds.
Flat fee. $10 per semitrailer.
Permanent registration.
88.50 0.00 - 129.50 - 129.50 - - - -
New York Gross weight of combination.
A reflectorized plate fee not
to exceed $1.50 above actual
cost, rounded to the nearest
25 cents, is assessed when
new plates are issued.
$1.21 per cwt. or fraction thereof,
rounded to the nearest 25 cents.
Flat fee. A reflectorized
plate fee, not to exceed
$1.50 above actual cost,
rounded to the nearest
25 cents, is assessed
when new plates are
$23 per semitrailer.

Optional basis: 1989 or
later model year
registered for a period of
not less than 5 1/2 nor
more than 6 1/2 years for
a fee of $69.
544.50 23.00 567.50 968.00 23.00 991.00 - - - -
Gross weight of combination
and flat fee.
$3.00 plus 46 cents per cwt. for
4,000 pounds or less to $1.20 per
cwt. for over 17,000 pounds to a
maximum of 80,000 pounds.
Minimum fee: $21.50.
Flat fee. $10 per semitrailer. 543.00 10.00 553.00 963.00 10.00 973.00 - - - -
North Dakota Gross weight of combination
and age.
$79 for 20,001 pounds for 13th and
subsequent registrations to $1,769
for 105,500 pounds for the 1st
through 7th registrations.
Flat fee. Registered with tractor
truck plus a $20
identification fee.
$480.00 $20.00 $500.00 $1,038.00 $20.00 $1,058.00 $1,771.00 $20.00 $20.00 $1,811.00
Ohio Gross weight of combination.
A $2.25 service charge is
included in columns (5) and
(8). A 50 cent reflectorized
plate fee is assessed when
new plates are issued.
$45 for 2,000 pounds or less
to $1,340 for 78,000 pounds.
Flat fee. A $2.25 service
charge is included in
columns (6) and (9). A
50 cent reflectorized
plate fee is assessed
when new plates are issued.
$25 per semitrailer. 602.25 27.25 629.50 1,342.25 27.25 1,369.50 - - - -
Oklahoma Gross weight groups: A $1.75
administration fee and a
$3.00 general revenue fund
fee are included in columns
(5) and (8).
$100.00 for under 15,000 pounds to
$1,083.00 for 90,000 pounds.
Minimum fee $100.00.
Flat fee. A $1.75
administration fee, a 50
cent tax commission fee,
and a $3.00 general
revenue fund fee are
included in columns (6)
and (9).
$45.00 per semitrailer,
and $4, thereafter, for
every year with the same
405.50 45.50 451.00 953.50 45.50 999.00 - - - -
Oregon Gross weight groups. 13/ $15 for 8,000 pounds or less to
$415 for 105,500 pounds.
Flat fee. $10 per semitrailer. 185.00 10.00 195.00 320.00 10.00 330.00 415.00 10.00 10.00 435.00
Pennsylvania Gross weight of combination. $39 for 5,000 pounds or less
to $1,125 for 80,000 pounds.
Gross weight. $6 for 3,000 pounds or less
to $12 for 10,000 pounds.
$27 flat fee for over
10,000 pounds.
501.00 27.00 528.00 1,125.00 27.00 1,152.00 - - - -
Rhode Island Gross weight of combination.
A $5 reflectorized plate fee is
assessed when new plates are
$34 for 4,000 pounds or less
to $972 for 74,000 pounds
plus $24 per 2,000 pounds
over 74,000 pounds.
Flat fee. A $5
reflectorized plate fee is
assessed when new
plates are issued.
Registered with tractor
truck, plus $5 flat fee.
(maximum of 10 trailers
with a single tractor
608.00 12.00 620.00 1,044.00 12.00 1,056.00 - - - -
Gross vehicle weight. $30 for 4,000 pounds or less to
$1,600 for 80,000 pounds.
Flat fee. $20 per semitrailer. 680.00 20.00 700.00 1,600.00 20.00 1,620.00 - - - -
South Dakota Gross weight of combination
and age.
$85 for 4,000 pounds or less
to $250 for 20,000 pounds plus
$40 for each additional 2,000
pounds in excess of 20,000.
Fee reduced 10 percent when
vehicle is 5 or more years old.
Flat fee. Registered with tractor
truck, plus $10 flat fee.
693.00 10.00 703.00 1,311.00 10.00 1,321.00 1,779.00 10.00 10.00 1,799.00
Tennessee Gross weight of combination. $39.75 for 9,000 pounds or less to
$1,334.25 for 80,000 pounds.
Flat fee. $50 per semitrailer.
Permanent registration.
$770.25 $50.00 $820.25 $1,334.25 $50.00 $1,384.25 - - - -
Texas Flat fee plus gross weight of
combination. A 30 cent
reflectorized plate fee is
included in columns (5) and
$40 plus 60 cents per cwt. for
36,000 pounds or less to $1.00 per
cwt. for over 62,000 pounds. Diesel
combinations do not pay any
additional fees. Combinations
must have gross weight of over
18,000 pounds.
Flat fee. A 30 cent
reflectorized plate fee is
included in columns (6)
and (9).
Registered with tractor
truck, plus $15 flat fee.
445.3 15.3 460.6 840.3 15.3 855.6 - - - -
Utah Gross weight groups. $49.50 for 12,001 pounds to
14,000 pounds. Add $18.50 for
each 2,000 pounds or fraction
thereof in excess of 80,000 pounds.
All vehicles over 80,000 pounds
must purchase an overweight permit,
and if overlength, an oversize
permit as well. Annual permits for
overweight vehicles are $300.00
and for oversize are $50.00.
Flat fee. $11 annual fee or $110
one time fee paid by
each new owner.
345.50 11.00 356.50 660.00 11.00 671.00 900.50 11.00 11.00 922.50
Vermont Gross weight of combination.
A $1.00 emission fee is
assessed in addition to the
fees shown.
$42.00 for less than 6,000 pounds
to $17.60 per 1,000 pounds for over
80,000 pounds. Additional fees of
$25.00 for 10,000 pounds to $275.00
for 60,000 pounds and over.
Flat fee. A $1.00 emission
fee is assessed in addition
to the fees shown.
Registered with tractor
truck, plus $20 flat fee.
886.00 20.00 906.00 1,639.00 20.00 1,659.00 - - - -
Virginia Flat fee plus fee based on
gross weight of combination.
A $1.50 State Police inspection
fee and an additional $5.00
fee for vehicles over
6,500 pounds are included in
columns (5) and (8). 15/
$13.00 flat fee plus $2.60 per
1,000 pounds for 10,001 pounds
to $12.00 per 1,000 pounds
for 76,001 to 80,000 pounds.
Minimum fee of $34.00 for vehicles
with a gross weight of 6,501 pounds
to 10,000 pounds.
Flat fee. A $1.50 State
Police inspection fee is
included in column (6)
and (9).
Registered with tractor
truck $17 flat fee for
4,000 pounds or less, and
$22 for 4,000 pounds and
348.00 23.50 371.50 979.50 23.50 1,003.00 - - - -
Washington Declared gross weight of
combination including
surcharge. A 50 cent
reflectorized plate fee ($1 per
truck) is assessed when plates
are issued. A $3.00 filing fee
is included in each
$83 for 14,000 pounds to $2,974
for 105,500 pounds.
Flat fee. A 50 cent reflec-
torized plate fee is
assessed when new
plates are issued.
If registered with tractor
truck, $36 flat fee for
lifetime registration.
A $3.00 filing fee is
included in each
592.00 36.00 628.00 1,609.00 36.00 1,645.00 2,974.00 36.00 36.00 3,046.00
West Virginia Fee based on gross weight
of combination. A $1.50
additional fee is included in
columns (5) and (8).
$28.50 for 4,000 pounds or less to
$1,131.25 for 80,000 pounds.
Flat fee. If over 2,000 pounds and
registered separately
$18.50, otherwise waived.
$370.00 $0.00 $370.00 $1,132.75 $0.00 $1,132.75 - - - -
Wisconsin Gross weight of combination. $66.50 for 4,500 pounds or less to
$1987.50 for 80,000 pounds.
Flat fee. $50 per semitrailer.
Permanent registration.
836.00 50.00 886.00 1,987.50 50.00 2,037.50 1,987.50 50.00 50.00 2,087.50
Wyoming Empty weight groups. 16/ $2 for 1,000 pounds or less to $60
for 6,001 pounds and over.
Empty weight groups. 16/ Same schedule as for
tractor trucks.
60.00 60.00 120.00 60.00 60.00 120.00 60.00 60.00 60.00 180.00
  1. This summary is based on the fee schedules in effect January 1, 2001 and covers vehicles in private operation. Property taxes and taxes levied only at the time of first registration have been excluded.

  2. This summary includes provisions of laws enacted through December 2000, or the most current information available.

  3. To illustrate the practical fee range on a basis that is comparable for all States, the fee for a very light 1989 2-door sedan is given as the minimum and the fee for a heavy 1999 4-door sedan is given as the maximum. There is no intention to show the absolute minimum and maximum fees for each State. In many States, special plates at extra cost are available to those desiring personalized plates for amateur radio operators, for disabled veterans, for members of veterans organizations, etc.

  4. A 1992 4-door sedan of 3,111 pounds empty weight was selected as the " typical " passenger car.

  5. The fee schedules of some States apply to combinations as well as to single-unit trucks. The maximum fee given in this table for those States is therefore much greater than in others. In general, 2-axle single-unit trucks are seldom licensed for more than 26,000 pounds gross weight (or its equivalent under a State's registration system).

  6. The reduced rates also apply to natural resources vehicles.

  7. A 2001 stake body truck of 6,317 pounds empty weight and 19,000 pounds gross weight was taken as the " typical " single-unit truck.

  8. A 2001 diesel-powered 4-axle dump truck of 14,478 pounds empty weight and 52,302 pounds gross weight was taken as a " typical " heavy single-unit truck.

  9. Included in the registration fees shown are beautification fees of $1.00 for the City and County of Honolulu and for the counties of Hawaii and Maui, and 50 cents for the County of Kauai and an emblem fee of 50 cents for all counties. Not included are license plate fees of $ 5.00 for the City and County of Honolulu and the County of Kauai and $ 3.50 for the counties of Hawaii and Maui.

  10. Registration fees for the City and County of Honolulu.

  11. Registration fees for the counties of Hawaii, Maui, and Kauai, respectively.

  12. In addition to the fees shown, trucks and tractor trucks with gross weights over 26,000 pounds are assessed a " use fee " of 7.97 mills per mile for 26,001 pounds to 31.68 mills per mile for 78,001 pounds and over.

  13. Trucks and combinations over 26,000 pounds, except farm vehicles, are required to pay a mileage tax. Trailer fees apply only if not registered as part of a combination.

  14. Motor vehicles used exclusively on the farm or on highways connecting farms are exempt from registration. A biennial certificate of exemption is required of such vehicles for a fee between $24.00 and $100.00.

  15. The fees for panel or pickup trucks: $ 25.00 for 4,000 pounds or less gross weight to $ 30.00 for 4,001 to 6,500 pounds gross weight plus $ 1.50 State Police Inspection fee. Vehicles may be registered quarterly at one-fourth the yearly fee plus $ 5.00 for each quarter the vehicle is registered or licensed.

  16. Commercial vehicles are registered at $ 180.00 for 26,000 pounds or less to $825.00 for 80,000 pounds gross vehicle weight. For vehicles with gross vehicle weights over 80,000 pounds, the fee is $825.00 plus $25.00 for each additional 2,000 pounds, or fraction thereof.

  17. In some States full trailers are taxed on the same basis as semitrailers, but in many, separate schedules are used. The separate schedules for full trailers are not included in this table.

  18. A 2001 diesel-powered truck tractor of 9,926 pounds empty weight and a semitrailer of 7,000 pounds empty weight, registered for 48,000 pounds gross combination weight, in private operation, were selected as the "typical" vehicles.

  19. A 2001 diesel-powered truck tractor of 14,440 pounds empty weight and a semitrailer of 12,300 pounds empty weight, registered for 80,000 pounds gross combination weight, in private operation, were selected as the "typical" vehicles.

  20. A " Rocky Mountain " double consisting of a 2001 diesel-powered truck tractor of 14,440 pounds empty weight, a 45-foot semitrailer of 12,300 pounds empty weight, and a 28-foot semitrailer and dolly of 8,800 pounds empty weight registered for 98,000 pounds gross combination weight, in private operation, were selected as the "typical" vehicles.

  21. Where the truck tractor and semitrailer are registered as a unit, the fee for the combination is given in the " tractor-truck " column.

  22. In addition to registration fees, there is levied a mileage tax based on operation and weight of vehicle for trucks over 60,000 pounds

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