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Figma for Google Workspace

Integrate seamlessly with Google to collaborate on Figma design files, or work together in FigJam—all within the tools you already use.

Bring Figma into your Google Workplace

Team members collaborate on FigJam file in Google MeetTeam members collaborate on FigJam file in Google Meet

Google Meet

Share Figma design files, get feedback, and edit FigJam files—all within Google Meet.

Insert Figma files directly in a Google docInsert Figma files directly in a Google doc

Google Docs

Pull interactive previews of Figma and FigJam files into Google Docs, so teammates can easily reference the latest designs in context.

Connect Figma to your Google Calendar

Add Figjam or Figma files directly in calendar invitationAdd Figjam or Figma files directly in calendar invitation

Google Calendar

Attach Figma and FigJam files to Google Calendar events to prep for meetings early on and point attendees to the right resources.