January 2022
Project of the month
ERICA: An A-C in integrating remotely-piloted aircraft systems
Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it’s a remotely piloted aircraft system or RPAS! Ermanno Girardelli, Leonardo, is coordinator of ERICA, a SESAR research and innovation project dedicated to integrating these aircraft into non-segregated airspace alongside commercial manned traffic. In this Q&A, he explains how RPAS can make a difference to citizens’ lives and what the SESAR project is doing to enable these aircraft to take off.
Spotlight on SESAR 3 JU members
Aena SME, S.A. manages 46 airports and 2 heliports in Spain and participates directly or indirectly in the management of another 23 airports in different countries around the world.
More about AENA
More about SESAR 3 JU membership
Weather windows designed for greener flights
Cutting carbon emissions is one of several ways that aviation can help to slow climate change, explains Dr Sigrun Matthes, atmospheric physicist with Germany’s DLR research institute and researcher in the FlyATM4E project. Recent analysis shows controlling both CO2 emissions and non-CO2 effects has the potential to double the benefits available from reducing carbon emissions alone, and within a much shorter time frame than that envisaged for sustainable aviation fuel.
Project creates new tools for mitigating climate impact of aviation
Weather disruptions to ATM are likely to become more frequent and extreme as the climate changes. Unpredictable weather can also mean that aircraft are unable to fly their most environmentally optimal trajectory. In this article, Angelo Riccio, University of Naples Parthenope, and Raffaella Russo ISSNOVA Institute for Sustainable Society and Innovation, explains what the CREATE project is doing to assess the impact of ATM operations on the climate, while also improving weather resilience.
European demonstrations offer new “angle” to reducing noise of arrival aircraft
Changing the angle of aircraft as they make their final descent towards an airport can potentially reduce significantly noise for the communities surrounding the airport. This is what French and Italian SESAR 3 JU members and partners recently put to the test during a series of large-scale live trials at Ciampino airport.
Young scientists offer new perspectives on passenger needs
Two winners were recognised in the SESAR Young Scientist Award 2021, for the first time recognising both postgraduate and undergraduate achievements. They share their views on aviation and where research should place its efforts in the future.

Making space for new high altitude entrants
The higher airspace (airspace approximately 60,000 ft) is no longer exclusive to space rockets and military aircraft, but hosts an expanding range of vehicles, including long-endurance balloons, high altitude platform stations (HAPS), supersonic and hypersonic aircraft. In this article, Henk Hof, Eurocontrol, and project coordinator of the SESAR 3 JU ECHO project, explains how the project partners are developing a concept of operations for the higher airspace.
SESAR research and innovation – 2021 highlights
Check out some of the milestones of the last 12 months, including the delivery of new solutions as featured in the SESAR Solutions Catalogue (fourth edition) and progress on a wide range of topics, as well as a change in leadership and the launch of the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking.
14 February 2022: Modus workshop

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