SESAR JU E-News - November 2019
Project of the month: SESAR research reveal promising results on increasing runway capacity and reducing noise at airports
SESAR research partners recently evaluated “secondary runway aiming point (SRAP)” and “Increased Glide Slope (IGS)”, two concepts aimed at optimising runway capacity and minimising noise. The testing was carried out by SESAR JU founding member, Eurocontrol, in partnership with Lufthansa Aviation Training (LAT).
Full agenda for SESAR Innovation Days now online
The full agenda of panel discussions, posters and paper presentations are now online for this year’s SESAR Innovation Days. This ninth edition of the conference is hosted by the University of Piraeus and the National Centre of Scientific Research (NCSR) “Demokritos” in Athens, Greece, during the week of 02-05 December 2019.
Showcasing progress of future datalink solutions
On 23 October, SESAR JU member and partners held an open day in Brussels to present the work coming out of the SESAR 2020 project PJ.14 EECNS (Essential and Efficient Communication, Navigation and Surveillance Integrated System) on the future technologies emerging in the domain communications, navigation and surveillance domains to manage future operational services, such as 4D trajectory management.
PODIUM U-space deliverables published
PODIUM, the SESAR JU U-space project has published its conclusions and recommendations for U-space in addition to all the supporting material. The project, which performed demonstrations of U-space services and technologies across five sites in Denmark, France and the Netherlands, has concluded U-space services for the pre-flight phase are on track for deployment, but that action is still needed to ensure that U-space services can really take off in the flight execution phase.
Digital sky workshop map out future research priorities for air traffic management
On 6-7 November, members of the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) came together at a workshop in Amsterdam to discuss the research needed in order to deliver smarter, more sustainable and safer aviation.
SESAR KTN, Engage, second Call for catalyst funding opening soon
The second Call for proposals funded by catalyst funding will open on the Engage website in January 2020. The focus is on maturing exploratory research further towards applications and operational contexts. Projects will run for 12 months, with a ‘light-touch’ reporting approach, and up to €60k funding per project. Proposals may be aligned with the Engage thematic challenges, however open proposals are also permitted.
Research and innovation is key to delivering safer and more sustainable aviation in Europe, high-level conference in Spain concludes
SESAR JU member, ENAIRE, recently hosted two high level conferences to discuss strategies to deliver more sustainable and safer air transport in Europe. Among these is the digital European sky and its focus on introducing technologies to make air traffic management more seamless and efficient.
Read about ENAIRE strategic workshop
U-space and SESAR research presented at Drone Enable conference
The SESAR Joint Undertaking as well as partners from several U-space research and demonstration projects presented progress on the safe and secure integration of drones in Europe’s airspace during the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Third DRONE ENABLE Symposium on 12-14 November 2019 in Montréal, Canada.
Remote Tower Project presents its final results and conclusions
On 14th of November the “PJ05 Remote Tower” Project conducted its close-out event at Arlanda Airport The PJ05 “Multiple” concept and its possibility for a flexible allocation of aerodromes seems to be a promising candidate to balance the ATCOs’ workload and efficiency. .
Airspace users workshop gathers airline operational experts
On Thursday 7 November, a workshop organised by SESAR Joint Undertaking founding member, Eurocontrol gathered operational experts from more than 25 airlines and other airspace users to discuss how SESAR solutions will create value for them as well as their stronger involvement in future ATM research projects.

U-space demonstrations - June-December 2019

Take the digital sky challenge - Athens, Greece, 2-4 December 2019

SESAR Innovation Days 2019 - Athens, Greece, 2-5 December 2019

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