SESAR JU E-News - June 2020
Flying, the multimodal way!
Planes, trains and automobiles, not to mention micro-mobility options like bikes and scooters. Would-be travellers have never had so many mobility options to choose from for getting from A to B. But what combination of these offers the quickest, most affordable, reliable and greenest option for getting from door to door, especially for journeys that involve air travel? That’s the challenge that researchers in the recently-launched Modus project will seek to address, as Annika Paul, Modus coordinator from Bauhaus Luftfahrt, explains in this interview.
How innovation can support airport operations in a post-COVID world
How can innovation help airports in a post-COVID world? That is the question that members and partners in the SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) are investigating. They are looking at solutions in the SESAR research and innovation pipeline that could help airports adapt their operations to the new normal, as well as technologies that could build resilience especially among hard-hit small to medium airports.
The European ATM Master Plan: the roadmap for accelerated digitalisation
As air travel tentatively resumes, many in the business are calling for an acceleration in the digital transformation of aviation. Indeed the move to digitalised infrastructure is seen as critical for making aviation more scalable, economically sustainable, environmentally efficient, predictable and resilient in the long run. A recent webinar organised by the SESAR JU took a closer look at the ATM Master Plan, the roadmap for digitalising Europe’s aviation infrastructure.
PANSA: on the pulse of digital innovation in air traffic management
PANSA, the Polish air navigation service provider, is an active member of the SESAR Joint Undertaking through the B4 Consortium. Over the past 4 years, PANSA has contributed significantly to all aspects of the programme, from setting the vision to the future, to researching and delivering new innovative solutions.
SESAR Young Scientists….where are they now?
Launched in 2012, the SESAR Young Scientist Award recognised young scientists who have demonstrated excellence in ATM and aviation-related research fields. On 29 June, the SESAR JU organised a webinar to touch base with some of the previous winners of the award, learn how their careers have developed since winning, and hear their views on how our industry can nurture, attract and retain young talent.
A look back at the Digital Sky Challenge
In December 2019, the SESAR JU in collaboration with ACI Europe and Athens Airport organised a 48-hour innovation sprint to come up with new digital solutions for aviation. In a dedicated webinar, caught up with the winners to find out what has happened since then and how their solutions are evolving.
Exploring the boundaries of ATM research
During the month of June, the SESAR JU organised two webinars looking at the results from recently closed exploratory research projects. The topics addressed included trajectory-based operations, mitigating jamming of satellite navigation signals, as well as complexity metrics and the modelling of the ATM system.
Watch webinar playback on ADAPT and COTTON projects
Watch webinar playback on GATEMAN, EvoATM and Domino projects

SESAR Digital Academy webinars: Towards higher level of automation - 22 & 24 July

Science is wonderful - 22-24 September 2020

SESAR Innovation Days - 7-10 December 2020

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