SESAR JU E-News - February 2020
Project of the month: Ask the flight crew: how SESAR project keeps pilots in the loop in digital map design
Partners in the SESAR AUDIO (Airspace User supporting Demonstration of Integrated Airport Operations) demonstration are developing a moving map display for pilots to increase their situational awareness while the aircraft is taxiing. To ensure the design of the map fits the needs of the end users, the project organised a session with Lufthansa pilots on 11 February.
Curious, critical and open - how young researchers will shape the future of aviation
In December 2019, Junzi Sun was awarded the SESAR Young Scientist Award for his research on open aircraft performance modelling. In a recent interview, he describes his academic trajectory to date and highlights the areas of ATM where young researchers should be channeling their curious and critical minds in the coming years.
Second wave of SESAR industrial research gets underway
The SESAR Joint Undertaking and its members have started a second wave of industrial research projects, aimed at delivering more digital solutions to transform Europe’s air traffic management. The projects will take forward the results from the first wave of research, focusing on solutions that can bring the most benefits in terms of the environment, capacity, safety and cost efficiency.
Better runway throughput, lower emissions and noise: new arrival procedure simulation validates SRAP concep
Airports are an essential component in efforts to increase the capacity of the European ATM system. To improve airport performance, SESAR JU members and partners are working on new solutions to increase runway throughput within SESAR 2020 project P.J02 “Increased runway and airport throughput”, one of which is SRAP, the second runway aiming point.
Sustainability, capacity and urban air mobility – focus of newly launched SESAR demonstrator call
The SESAR Joint Undertaking has launched an open call for very-large scale demonstration projects within the framework of the SESAR 2020 research and innovation programme. The call covers a wide range of topics aimed at boosting the performance of aviation in Europe, with a focus on sustainability, capacity and urban air mobility. A total of EUR 19.5 million is earmarked for the research from the EU’s Horizon 2020 budget.
Submission deadline: 29 April 2020.
Last seats for SESAR Walking Tours at World ATM Congress 2020. Register now!
Get a taste of the transformation that is underway in air traffic management thanks to the SESAR walking tours at the World ATM Congress 2020 in Madrid (10-12 March 2020).
The walking tours will give visitors an opportunity to meet with experts from the SESAR community and see first-hand the wide variety of solutions that are being delivered and deployed across Europe. Each tour is limited to 25 participants. Register now.
Apply for the Horizon Impact Award
The European Commission has opened applications for the Horizon Impact Award. The prize aims to recognise and celebrate outstanding projects that have used their results to provide value for society. These projects must have been funded by FP7 and/or Horizon 2020 funding programmes and they must be closed by the time of application.
EU Startup Prize
The European Startup Prize for mobility (EUSP) is a public-private initiative, co-founded by the Chairwoman of the Transports' Committee at the European Parliament, Karima Delli. The EUSP aims to select and support every year the 10 most innovative and sustainable mobility start-ups in Europe. If you are a start-up in the aviation/air mobility sector, apply by 31 March!

World ATM Congress - 10-12 March 2020

Aerodays - 12-17 May 2020

Cybersecurity workshop - 17 June 2020

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