SESAR E-News - November 2018
Project of the month: French and Spanish collaborate to enable seamless cross-border operations
SESAR Members, ENAIRE and DSNA, have successfully demonstrated a cross-border solution that enables better coordination of air traffic between the two countries and helps to reduce air traffic flow management (ATFM) delays. The exercise brought together operational staff from Bordeaux and Madrid Area Control Centres as part of the Network Collaborative Management (NCM – PJ.24) Project, as well as staff from Iberia, Air Nostrum, Air Europa, Iberia Express.
SESAR Joint Undertaking receives clean bill of health from European Court of Auditors
The European Court of Auditors has signed off on the 2017 accounts of all the SESAR Joint Undertaking, along with seven other Joint Undertakings. The Court gave specific opinions on the SESAR JU, noting the reliability and regularity of its finances and the fair presentation of its operations.
Workshop discusses proposal to optimise Europe’s skies
On 20-21 November, stakeholders from across air traffic management (ATM) returned to Brussels to discuss the preliminary results of the airspace architecture study, which aims to increase capacity and resilience in Europe’s en-route airspace.
Drones and digital transformation discussed at ACI Exchange
The SESAR Joint Undertaking in collaboration with ACI Europe took the opportunity to co-host a workshop on the safe and secure integration of drones into the airspace, in the sidelines of the ACI Exchange in Oslo (27-29 November). SESAR and its role in supporting the digital transformation of airports was also a focus of the main conference, where a new ACI publication on the topic was launched.
Airspace users debate a way forward on managing Europe’s traffic
Increasing the efficiency and capacity of Europe’s skies was the core of the debate that took place at conferences hosted by A4E and IATA on 6 and 13-14 November respectively. The SESAR Joint Undertaking, represented by Executive Director Florian Guillermet, was part of the debate and gave his view of on the way forward and the role that technology can play.
New alert system to offer enhanced runway safety
SESAR member, Honeywell, has completed a first series of flight testing of a system which looks set to improve safety for pilots, passengers and other aircraft on airport runways. The system is one of several solutions in the pipeline as part of the SAFE (PJ03b), a project that brings together air navigation service providers, manufacturers, airport operators, research institutes from across Europe and Eurocontrol.
The EU paves the way to establish the common European drone services marketregulation
The contribution of the SESAR JU towards the development of U-space was highlighted in the Amsterdam Declaration, adopted on 28 November by the European Commission, EASA and the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management together with the National Authorities and industry on the occasion of EASA’s High Level Conference on Drones.
Conducting the orchestra in the sky
SESAR Scientific committee member, Juan Besada is a telecommunication engineer and doctor, holding a professorship at Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) since 2018. In this article, he shares his thoughts on ATM, why it is important for Europe where we should place our research efforts in the future.
SESAR KTN, Engage, Call for catalyst funding proposals now open
The Call for proposals funded by catalyst funding is now open on the Engage website. The Call closes on 15 February 2019. Proposals may be aligned with the Engage thematic challenges and open proposals are also permitted. See the Engage website for the Call documentation, plus updates on the thematic challenges and the workshop presentations. There will also be a dedicated presentation and posters at the SESAR Innovation Days in Salzburg. Please follow the link under “Engage news”, as below.

SESAR Innovation Days - Salzburg, Austria - 3-7 December 2018

Open Day on Remote Tower Centres - Braunschweig, Germany - 12 December 2018
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