SESAR JU E-News - July 2019
SESAR research to enable access of rotorcraft to airports of all sizes
Recent flight trials by SESAR Joint Undertaking members and partners in Italy have demonstrated how instrument flight rules (IFR) procedures designed specifically for rotorcraft can enable their access to airports without impacting fixed-wing commercial traffic. The flight trials were conducted by ENAV (the Italian ANSP - Air Navigation Service Provider), in collaboration with LEONARDO Helicopters Division within the framework of SESAR 2020 project on enhanced runway throughput (PJ.02 EARTH).
Take the Digital Sky Challenge!
The SESAR Joint Undertaking in collaboration with ACI Europe is organizing a 48h non-stop Digital Sky Challenge from 2 to 4 December in Athens, kindly hosted by Athens International Airport. The event is the first of its kind to take place in an airport premises in Europe and to bring together key aviation organisations in Europe (EUROCONTROL, EASA, IATA, and SITA), in addition to ACI EUROPE and the SESAR Joint Undertaking.
SESAR JU partners test system to reduce wake vortices during landing
SESAR Joint Undertaking partners are demonstrating the effectiveness of a system using plate lines – a system of parallel plates arranged one after another - to reduce wake vortices at large airports. With the results from recent validations, the partners plan to refine the specifications of the system and to complete an installation at Vienna Airport in order to demonstrate the benefits more widely.
Latest SESAR JU research addresses air traffic delays and congestion
The summer season is upon us, which invariably means more air traffic in Europe. The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) members and partners are demonstrating how local demand and capacity balancing (DCB) solutions can improve predictability and punctuality of air traffic in the overall network. The research was conducted within the context of Network Collaborative Management (PJ24), a SESAR 2020 very large-scale demonstration.
U-space ConOps and demonstration conference
A conference to present the U-space concept of operations (ConOps) as well as the results from SESAR Joint Undertaking's portfolio of exploratory research and demonstrations will take place on 30 September - 1 October in Brussels.
SESAR Gulf of Finland U-space project: First demos successfully completed
The two demos marked first steps in the Gulf of Finland (GOF) U-space very large demonstrator, but a leap for the implementation of drone traffic management in Europe. For the first time ever, general aviation aircraft, drones, and recreational remote-controlled model aircraft safely shared the airspace above and around an operational airfield during the first demo at the East Helsinki Aerodrome in Pyhtää, Finland, on June 11. During the second demo on June 14, urban drone operations above and below 500 feet were demonstrated in controlled airspace in Tallinn, Estonia.
PODIUM demonstrates ATC collaborative interface for U-space at Rodez
The SESAR Horizon 2020 PODIUM project demonstrated U-space services and technologies at Rodez-Aveyron airport at the end of June.
Contribute to public consultation on Horizon Europe Strategic Plan (2021-2024) - Candidate ATM research partnership
The European Commission has opened a public consultation on the Horizon Europe 2021-2024. It is calling on all stakeholders to contribute to co-designing and shaping the future research and innovation investment by responding to this questionnaire. The results will inform the work on the first Strategic Plan of Horizon Europe. You can further engage by participating in the European Research and Innovation Days on 24-25-26 September 2019 in Brussels
Calls still open for SESAR Innovation Days and Young Scientist Award
Don’t miss your chance to contribute with a poster or paper to the next edition of the SESAR Innovation Days, which will take place in Athens from 2-6 December. If you are up and coming talent in ATM-related research, make sure you apply to become this year’s SESAR’s Young Scientist!

Integrated airport operations - PJ28 demo - Hambourg, Germany,19 September 2019

Europe Research & Innovation Days - Brussels, Belgium,24-26 September 2019

Virtual Center Executive Day - Vienna, Austria,16 October 2019

U-space demonstrations - June-December 2019

Horizon Impact Award - Brussels, Belgium, September 2019
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