February 2022
Project of the month
4DSkyways - Convincing stakeholders to invest in trajectory management!
Peter Alty, EUROCONTROL, is project lead for the SESAR 4DSkyways industrial research project. We asked Peter about the rationale behind the project and the trajectory management solutions that it aims to deliver.
Spotlight on SESAR 3 JU members
Aeroporti di Roma
Aeroporti di Roma manages and develops the airports of Rome Fiumicino and Ciampino and carries out other activities associated with and supplementary to airport management. In 2021, the airport won the SESAR JU-ACI Europe Digital Transformation Award for adopting innovative technologies and procedures to improve the safety, capacity, efficiency and environmental footprint of its airside operations.
New States’ Representatives Group to maximise impact of SESAR research and innovation
A key added-value of the new SESAR 3 JU is to facilitate interactions between breakthrough innovators, early movers and regulators to help develop regulatory frameworks that allow the benefits of digital technologies to be fully realised. This need for coordination with Member States is the rationale behind the establishment of the SESAR 3 JU States’ Representatives Group, which held its first meeting on 24 February.
Save-the-date: Unpacking SESAR’s performance measurement framework
Performance is at the heart of the SESAR research and innovation programme. This webinar plans to demystify the SESAR performance framework (SPF) by explaining why there is a need for such a framework, how it is implemented and what is already available to facilitate performance assessment.
SESAR Innovation Pipeline: Air traffic management research and innovation highlights 2021
Check out highlights from some of the SESAR research and development (R&D) activities that took place over the course of 2021. The brochure features updates from each strand of the programme: exploratory research, industrial research and very-large scale demonstrations. Together, these strands form an innovation pipeline through which ideas are transformed into concrete solutions.
Summit recognises the role of innovation in addressing aviation’s carbon neutrality
The European Commission, the 27 EU Member States, and 10 Member States of the European Civil Aviation Conference re-affirmed their support for the goal of achieving carbon neutrality in the air transport sector by 2050 during an aviation summit held under the auspices of the French Presidency of the Council of the European Union on 3 and 4 February. The summit underlined the importance of partnerships, such as the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking, to accelerate the transition to net zero carbon emissions.

SESAR project test concept for the safe integration of remotely-piloted aircraft systems around airports
Paola Lanzi, Senior Specialist in Human Factors with Italian SME Deep Blue, leads the dissemination activities of the INVIRCAT Project, which is investigating the integration of a specific category of unmanned vehicles, known as remotely-piloted aircraft systems using instrument flight rules (IFR) routes in the terminal manoeuvring area (TMA) and aerodrome environment.
Controlling multiple airports from one control centre
At the end of 2021, within the context of SESAR, the German Aerospace Center (Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt; DLR) and Frequentis set up a remote tower centre prototype from which Lithuanian and Polish air traffic controllers provided aerodrome traffic services to a total of 15 simulated airports. The trial showed that the idea of large-scale remote tower centres works.
SESAR research partners work on automated runway condition monitoring system
Runway excursions during take-off or landing are amongst the most common incidents that can occur in civil aviation. In order to address this issue, in early December SESAR partners started testing a system at Gdańsk Airport that can continuously monitor and report on runway conditions, thereby improving traffic safety on the runway during changing weather conditions.

Submit your contributions to the 12th EASN international conference
The SESAR 3 JU is pleased to support the 12th European Aeronautics Science Network (EASN) international conference on "Innovation in Aviation & Space for opening New Horizons", which will take place in Barcelona, Spain from 18 to 21 October 2022. The event aims to be a leading platform for disseminating scientific knowledge and research results in aviation and space. The SESAR 3 JU strongly encourages SESAR 2020 projects to submit contributions to the event.
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