SESAR JU E-News - November 2020
Bringing AI onboard the ATM team
A recently started SESAR research project is investigating how to make artificial intelligence an integral part of the air traffic control team, helping to improve situational awareness and decision making in sometimes very complex traffic situations. Read our interview with Prof. Tomislav Radišić, University of Zagreb, Coordinator of the AISA (AI Situational Awareness Foundation for Advancing Automation) project.
Preparing the ground for safe and efficient higher airspace operations in Europe
SESAR partners have started work on a comprehensive demand analysis and concept of operations for higher airspace, with the objective of allowing safe, efficient and scalable operations above the flight levels where conventional air traffic operates. The European concept for higher airspace operations (ECHO) is a two-year SESAR 2020 project, comprising representatives from partners Airbus UTM (Airbus Operations SL), CIRA, DASSAULT AVIATION, the DLR, the DSNA, ENAC (Italian NAA), ENAV, EUROCONTROL, ONERA and THALES Alenia Space.
Digital Sky Vodcasts focus on building back better
In November, the SESAR JU organised two Digital Sky Vodcasts, focusing on the economic viability of ATM and how to build back better post-COVID. Read a summary of the key takeaways from the discussions or watch the vodcasts again! The vodcasts are part of a series, which, since May, has been bringing together industry thought leaders to look at what the industry needs in order to reboot and the role that SESAR innovation can play in the process
Environmentally-friendly approach profiles: the challenge for pilots and controllers
In this interview, project coordinator, Dr. Fethi Abdelmoula from German Aerospace Center, presents the work of the SESAR project DYNCAT (Dynamic Configuration Adjustment in the TMA), which is focusing on supporting pilots in configuration management and in the development of greener, more predictable flight profiles
Digital European Sky SRIA – latest draft now available!
The latest draft of the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) for the Digital European Sky is now available. Incorporating feedback received from stakeholders over the summer, the SRIA details the research and innovation roadmaps to achieve the Digital European Sky. The publication coincides with the signing of a Joint Memorandum of Understanding by industry partners for the SESAR 3 Joint Undertaking.
SESAR Digital Academy presents consolidated U-space research findings
The SESAR JU has published a report consolidating the results from the SESAR U-space research & innovation - all essential building blocks for delivering safe and secure drone operations in Europe. The main findings of the report were presented during a dedicated webinar on 12 November.
SESAR Digital Academy launches green webinar series
The SESAR JU has launched a webinar series to present some of the research underway to deliver smart and sustainable solutions for greener ATM. The first webinar took place on 19 November and looked at solutions that are helping to reduce the environmental impact of airport operations, both in terms of CO2 emissions, air quality and noise abatement.
Predicting conflict-free trajectories using supervised machine learning
European research partners with support from the Maastricht UAC are investigating how supervised machine learning can improve the generation of conflict-free trajectories. In this article, Raphaël Christien and Karim Zeghal, researchers from EUROCONTROL, 4DSkyways coordinator, provide a brief overview of their initial investigations.
How innovation supports continuous descent operations
The SESAR JU has contributed to a recent action plan on optimising vertical flight profiles with a view to reducing emissions and noise. Gathering the inputs from European aviation partners, EUROCONTROL’s ‘Continuous Climb and Descent Operations Action Plan’ contains multiple references to SESAR solutions that are fully ready for implementation and support the recommended measures.
Istanbul Airport wins first-ever SESAR JU-ACI Digital Transformation Award
Istanbul Airport has won the first-ever SESAR JU-ACI Europe Digital Transformation Award. The Award recognises a European airport that has embraced digitalisation, adopting innovative technologies and procedures to improve the safety, capacity, efficiency and environmental footprint of its airside operations.
Try out the SESAR-ACI airport game
What does a safer, smarter and more sustainable airport look like with #SESAR innovation? Developed by the SESAR JU and ACI Europe, this interactive airport gaming tool shows how SESAR technology can improve different aspects of airport operations in terms of safety, environment, capacity, resilience and efficiency.
Follow our SESAR 2020 Virtual Challenge!
Staff of the SESAR Joint Undertaking have embarked on a 60-day virtual tour of Europe, visiting each of its members! The SESAR 2020 Virtual Challenge aims to raise funds for the European Food Banks Federation to help people who are in need as a result of the COVID-19 crisis.
Forthcoming Engage virtual workshops
Engage, the SESAR KTN, is organising two virtual workshops in January on data-driven trajectory prediction and the provision and use of MET information in ATM. Both workshops will present the latest developments from experts in these fields, as well as research results from the catalyst fund projects and PhDs supported by Engage.
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