SESAR JU E-News - July 2020
Rain or shine? Improving weather forecasting in air traffic management
Predicting the weather relies on timely and accurate forecasts, which is easier said than done given how quickly the conditions can evolve. A newly-launched SESAR project, FMP-MET, will look at how to better predict and assess the impact of the weather on air traffic operations, as Alfonso Valenzuela, one of the principal researchers in the project explains in this interview.
Digital Sky Vodcasts: COVID-19 - A game changer for aviation?
There can be no denying that the Coronavirus pandemic has changed aviation fundamentally. Yet, to date, the focus has been on surviving the crisis and the sudden plunge in traffic. However, as the situation stabilises it is time to turn to thinking through the deeper implications for European aviation. The SESAR JU is committed to driving that conversation. Over the course of July, it convened a series of senior leaders of the industry to discuss these issues.
Share your feedback on the Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for the Digital European Sky!
A draft Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) has been published, detailing the research and innovation roadmaps to achieve the Digital European Sky, matching the ambitions of the ‘European Green Deal’ and the ‘Europe fit for the digital age’ initiative. Stakeholders have until 20 August to share their feedback on the draft SRIA!
Out now! Master Plan executive summary in all ICAO languages
The summary European ATM Master Plan Executive View is now available in all of the ICAO languages. The plan is instrumental for ensuring global harmonisation and interoperability, in support of the Global Air Navigation Plan (GANP) of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO).
Enabling seamless air traffic management
SESAR JU members recently completed testing of a system that will allow more seamless flight data exchange between air traffic control centres across Europe. The results of the ground-to-ground interoperability (IOP) project are supporting efforts to improve the overall predictability of air traffic as well as the long-term sustainability of aviation.
Towards higher levels of automation
The SESAR JU organised two webinars on 22 and 24 July on the progressive move towards higher levels of automation, making use of AI and machine learning, and explored what that means for a safety critical industry such as ATM. Bringing together 500 participants, the webinars featured presentations from SESAR 2020 projects, illustrating the variety of ways AI can be applied to improve the performance of ATM.
Sustainable and smart mobility strategy - take part in the consultation
The European Commission is currently working on a comprehensive Strategy for a Sustainable and Smart Mobility and has launched a public consultation on the future of transport to allow stakeholders and citizens to comment and identify their priorities. The consultation will run until 23 September.
SESAR Innovation Days goes digital!
The SESAR Innovation Days is switching to a digital format! Stay tuned for details of the new approach in coming weeks. Make sure that you are part of the event, by submitting an application to present a paper, poster or candidacy for the next SESAR Young Scientist Award!
SESAR JU/ACI Europe launch digital transformation award
The SESAR JU, in collaboration with ACI Europe, has launched the Digital Transformation Award, to recognise a European airport that has embraced digitalisation, adopting innovative technologies and procedures to improve the safety, capacity, efficiency and environmental footprint of its airside operations. The winner will be announced during the 30th ACI Europe Annual General Assembly.
Engage KTN summer school 2020
The second summer school organised by Engage, the SESAR KTN, will be held as a virtual event on 21-25 September 2020. The programme includes advanced tutorials on ATM, research methods, a range of current PhD topics, catalyst fund project results, stakeholder insights, and a strong selection of in-depth presentations from industry.
Registration is now open but places are limited.

Engage KTN Summer school - 21-25 September 2020 (Virtual event)

SESAR Innovation Days - 7-10 December 2020 (virtual event)

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