SESAR JU E-News - May 2019
Project of the Month: Stakeholders gather to share progress made so far on SESAR virtual centres
Some 40 SESAR members and partners, including air navigation service providers and manufacturers met on 14 May in Brussels to share progress on the virtual centres –viewed as a key enabler for more flexible and efficient air traffic service provision in Europe. The solution has been identified as potential capacity enabler in the recently published
Airspace Architecture Study and the report of the Wise Persons Group.
Still time to respond to call for SESAR exploratory research projects
The SESAR Joint Undertaking has launched an open call for exploratory projects within the framework of the SESAR 2020 research and innovation programme. The call covers a wide range of topics aimed at fostering new and innovative ideas to transform air traffic management in Europe. A total of approximately EUR 38.5 million is earmarked for the research from the EU’s Horizon 2020 budget.
SESAR R&D on show at Paris Air Show
The SESAR Joint Undertaking (SESAR JU) will participate in the International Paris Air Show at Le Bourget from 17-23 June. At a dedicated stand in the Paris Air Lab, visitors will have an opportunity to meet experts to discuss all aspects of the SESAR research and the results delivered so far. The Paris Air Lab will also host a conference session featuring the Executive Directors from the SESAR and Clean Sky Joint Undertakings on the decarbonisation of aircraft and digital transformation of air traffic management.
Ready, steady, go! Gulf of Finland project to begin demonstrations in June
June sees the SESAR Gulf of Finland (GOF) U-space project begin a series of drone demos. These will demonstrate advanced drone operations including both manned and unmanned aircraft in shared airspace, with a view to accelerating the uptake of U-space in Europe, starting with low-level airspace. The very first demonstration – urban drone fleet operations with police intervention – will already take place in Helsinki on 4 June 2019.
SESAR R&D showcased at AEROdays 2019
SESAR research was the focus of debates, sessions and a dedicated stand at AEROdays, the 8th edition of European Aeronautics Days, a flagship event of the European Commission. Organised under the EU Romanian Presidency, the conference and exhibition welcomed over 800 researchers and representatives from the aviation and aerospace industry to hear about the results from Horizon 2020 projects.
Calling all young scientists!
Working on a research in the field of air traffic management (ATM) and aviation? Have an idea and results to present to the world your work and talent? The SESAR Young Scientist Award is looking for you and your research contribution to ATM. The SESAR Young Scientist Award 2019 (YSA 2019) recognises young scientists across Europe whose scientific research affects the ATM and aviation fields. Deadline to apply is 6 September 2019.
SESAR Innovation Days 2019 – call for papers and posters
The SESAR Innovation Days (SIDs) will take place from 2 to 4 December 2019 at the National Centre of Scientific Research (NCSR) "Demokritos”, in Athens, Greece. Researchers from universities, research institutions, airlines, air traffic service providers and industry are invited to submit papers resenting exploratory research within several areas of interest. Partners from academia and industry are also invited to submit proposals for posters and technical exhibits or demonstrations.
Engage KTN summer school 2019
The first summer school organised by the Engage KTN will take place 09-13 September 2019, in Belgrade, Serbia. This will include tutorials on key ATM concepts and challenges as well as on research methodologies, including case studies and presentations of prominent SESAR exploratory research projects.
SESAR makes progress on U-space information management
SESAR is making progress on the development U-space, the European framework for safe and drone operations in very low-level airspace. The SESAR IMPETUS project is investigating and testing information management solutions for U-space. The partners have published some initial findings about technologically and commercially feasible solutions and some of the challenges that need to be addressed.
SESAR members show again the feasibility of integrating large drones with manned traffic
Large drones or remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS) have been used for many years by the military, but have been restricted to segregated airspace to protect their operations. With increasing demand for large civil RPAS, SESAR members are investigating how best to integrate these vehicles into non-segregated airspace alongside commercial traffic.

Pais Air Show - Le Bourget - 17-23 June 2019

U-space demonstrations - June-December 2019

Horizon Impact Award - Brussels, Belgium, September 2019
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