A prenuptial agreement can save you a lot of money and time should your marriage end. Often called a prenup, this document lays out how your assets and debts will be distributed should your marriage end.

Couples getting ready to marry rarely want to consider the end of their marriage. But it’s a fact that about half of all marriages end in divorce, even though divorce rates have fallen in recent years. Preparation for worst-case scenarios is key to anything in life. Marriage is no different.

What is a Prenup?

A prenup establishes property and financial rights of each spouse should the marriage end in divorce. Prenups are like estate planning. You make a will to leave items to your children or heirs, ensuring each person gets a meaningful item. A prenup lets you determine who gets what if you divorce.

A prenup contemplates the end of your marriage so you can divide assets with an objective mindset. It can even help protect your business.

Prenups allow you to determine whether spousal support (alimony) will be due if the marriage ends and the amount and terms of those payments. And they can determine what kind of bequests you leave to each other in your wills.

Prenuptial agreements go by other names:

  • Antenuptial agreement
  • Premarital agreement
  • Prenuptial contract

No matter what it’s called, a prenup works to clarify the rights each party has should  the marriage end. This may sound unpleasant now, but it can save a lot of heartache and‌ ‌money‌ ‌down‌ ‌the‌ ‌road.

Should I Get a Prenup?

If you’re asking yourself: “Do I need a prenup?” You probably do. It may be worth any early discomfort to have a prenup’s potential value down the road. Prenups are increasingly viewed as a way to foster trust and open communication about finances between partners.

Prenups can be particularly useful to couples trying to keep separate significant pieces of personal property, including future inheritances and other anticipated income. This motivation is common among couples with a big age or wealth difference and among older or remarrying couples.

If a couple enters a marriage with few of these issues to address, prenups can be especially important because their circumstances may change dramatically. In fact, couples who still have most of their lifetime assets and debts ahead of them are some of the best candidates for a prenup.

How Much Does a Prenup Cost?

The cost of a prenup can fluctuate wildly based on your state, your attorney and the complexity of your case.

In some simple instances it could cost as little as $500. In others cases, a prenup can cost between $2,000 and $6,000 per person.

The average cost of a prenup nationally is $650. The average prenuptial agreement in California costs $975.00.

The cost really depends on the sophistication of the agreement, the organization of the parties and the collaborative nature of the opposing attorney.

Prenups Aren’t Just for the Uber Wealthy

While extremely wealthy individuals use prenups most often, usually to protect familial assets or wealth earned before marriage, prenups can be a good tool for almost everyone. Even couples of modest means can find value in a prenup.

Some people worry that creating a prenup will make it more likely they will divorce. If your relationship can’t survive financial planning before marriage, it most likely won’t survive the financial challenges marriage itself brings.

Protect Family Heirlooms

Let’s be clear—your prenup does not have to contemplate every asset and item you own, or every divorce scenario. You can create a prenup for a single purpose‌.

If you received a family heirloom as inheritance and want to make sure that if your marriage ends, you’ll get to keep that item, you can draft a prenuptial agreement that states that the family heirloom is yours. The prenup can also specify that items you inherit during marriage will remain your separate property.

Pass Property to Children From Prior Marriages

Many prenups are used to establish property rights for second marriages. If you have kids from a previous marriage, you may want to protect their interests in your assets and property.

Using a prenup, you can describe what property should remain separate from the marriage, protecting that property, should your marriage end. Combining this with proper estate planning, you can ensure pre-marital property goes where you want.

Clarify Financial Rights

Prenups are specifically for financial matters. Whether you come to the marriage with substantial assets or you have very little, you can decide now how assets will be split up instead of waiting until divorce proceedings.

While divorce may never come, figuring out the financial distribution now saves time and headache. Consider the split now and hope you never need to lean on your prenup.

Debt Protection

Prenups also provide debt protection, going hand in hand with clarifying financial rights. Some people enter a marriage with substantial financial debts or student loan debt.

For couples in this situation, they can enter a prenup and clarify that those debts remain the separate responsibility of the spouse who incurred them. They can also decide how debts incurred during the marriage will be handled. Finances can create colossal problems in a divorce and clearing that up now can be helpful and cost-effective.

Avoid Emotional Arguments

Divorce is emotional. Even if you know it’s the right decision, it’s still an ‌overwhelming and upsetting process.

When you’re negotiating with your spouse about who gets what, emotions often run hot and can cloud your judgment about asset distribution. Contemplating these items with a clearer head is better for everyone.

How to Get a Prenup

You can have attorneys negotiate and draft a prenup, or you and your spouse can create your own.

How to Draft Your Own Prenup

Drafting your own prenup, or any legal document, is not recommended. There are complex state laws you’ll need to follow with regard to the drafting and signing of a prenup. If you want to create your own prenup, there are several items to consider.

Keep in mind that you’ll still need a lawyer to review any prenup you create. You need a legal advocate to protect your rights and ensure the contract is valid in your state.

Making Your Prenup Valid

Prenups are becoming more common and courts scrutinize them less than in the past. So, if you’re drafting your own, make sure you understand what you’re signing.

When drafting your prenup, keep it clear. Don’t ‌write it in legalese and make it confusing. That will make a court question its validity. In most states the agreement should not be signed immediately before the wedding because this can create coercion.

Most states require both parties to have their own lawyer review the document for it to be valid. Never sign a prenup without first understanding your rights and making sure the agreement is valid. Make sure both parties sign the prenup. In some states, you may also have to sign in front of a notary public who will ensure each person is signing without duress.

Terms in Your Prenup

Your prenup should consider financial and property rights. To be fully transparent, you’ll need to provide each other with accurate financial information and disclose all your assets and debts.

Most prenups will include a clause stating both parties have been transparent and honest. If it’s found that either party was not, the agreement will likely not be valid.

You cannot use a prenup to get someone to marry you. Prenups cannot provide someone cash, assets or other items as “payment” for entering the marriage.


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What Happens When You Don’t Sign a Prenup

If you marry without a prenup and end up needing a divorce, it could be financially devastating. There’s an old saying that you can spend some money now or you can spend more money later. It’s better to spend less now.

Your state laws determine how your marital assets and debts are distributed if you get divorced. There are community property states and equitable distribution states.

Community property Equitable distribution
Courts begin with an assumption that marital assets and debts will be split 50/50
Courts split marital assets and debts fairly, not necessarily 50/50

Most of the assets acquired during your marriage will be considered marital property. This means they’re subject to distribution. Marital property could be:

  • Income
  • Retirement accounts
  • Inheritance (sometimes excluded)
  • Household furnishings
  • Homes
  • Bank accounts
  • Jewelry and watches
  • Investments
  • Cars
  • Boats

If you don’t sign a prenup, you’ll also have to figure out how all these items are distributed (or let the court do it for you) while also figuring out how to adjust to being single. For many people, this is overwhelming. You can avoid this headache by preparing a prenup.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Do I really need a prenup?

Regardless of your level of wealth, a prenup is a great idea for anyone entering a marriage. Thinking about the end of your marriage before it even begins sounds counterintuitive, but it prevents headaches and costs down the road.

With a prenup, you and your fiancé figure out how items are split if the marriage ends. You write it all down in your prenup, put it in a drawer and hope you never have to see it again. If you do, it’s there and ready to use.

Can you write your own prenup?

Yes, but it’s typically not a good idea. A couple is free to draft their own prenuptial agreement, but if it is invalid in any way, a court can reject it.

What should I include in my prenup?

That’s a very personal question. It’s entirely up to you and your fiancé, keeping in mind that some items cannot be included—more on that next. Generally, the following list shows what people often include in a prenup:

  • Clarifying which property or assets are separate and which are marital property
  • How debts will be divided
  • Property protection for children
  • Heirlooms and inheritance
  • Estate planning considerations
  • Property distribution upon divorce
  • Considerations when one or both spouses own a business
  • Spousal support

Ultimately, what you include in your prenup depends on you and your fiance. If there are special items you’re trying to protect, it’s worth it to have a lawyer review your prenup to make sure you’ve adequately protected them and don’t find yourself with more problems down the road.

What cannot be included in a prenup?

You cannot enter a contract for anything illegal. Doing so could actually void the entire agreement. A prenup cannot include child support or child custody matters in most states. Those are left up to the courts using the best interests of the child standard.

Prenups also cannot include who does what chores you and your spouse will do, where you spend holidays, details about children or any other personal matters. A prenup is used solely for financial and financially related matters.

What if we already got married?

Enter the postnup. A postnuptial agreement is similar to a prenup, except it’s signed after you’re married. Not every state allows postnups, so make sure you check your state law first.

Where legal, the only significant difference between a postnup and a prenup is when you sign the contract. A postnup still decides the same issues. A postnup can be used if you didn’t want to write a prenup or if you wrote one but decided later to agree on different terms.