Greene & Phillips: Common Mistakes After an Accident

Published: Mar. 29, 2022 at 1:17 PM CDT|Updated: Jun. 27, 2023 at 7:50 AM CDT
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We are here today to talk about some of the most common mistakes people make after being injured in an auto accident. Attorney David Greene, from Greene & Phillips, is here today to give us some insight.

What is the first mistake that someone might make after a car accident?

Not going to the doctor or hospital. It is so important for you to be checked out by a physician to see what the extent of your injuries are, and to make sure that you begin to heal properly. After your accident, you should seek medical attention as soon as possible.

What about not following your doctor’s instructions?

Absolutely. The doctors are the professionals, and they are going to prescribe you medicine, physical therapy, instructions about staying off your feet, staying in bed, etc. If you don’t follow their instructions, it will take longer for you to recover, your case will take longer, and you could end up not getting as big a settlement because of that.

What if you try to do too much too soon after your accident?

This is another common mistake that we see often. You may be in a lot of pain, but if you go around pretending like you’re not hurt, you could do yourself more damage and also hurt your case. Someone who goes back to work the very next day after an accident is not going to have as large a settlement as someone who really takes the time they need to recover from their injuries.

Do you commonly see that people downplay their injuries as well?

Yes, we often have guys that want to look tough or clients that want to seem like they have it all together and can’t get hurt. Sometimes admitting to yourself that your injuries are serious and acting like it will not only help you heal quicker, but it can really help your case.

If someone has made some of these mistakes do they still have a case?

Every case is different, so you really need to sit down with a lawyer to figure out what is the best way to go from there.

What is the best way to reach the attorneys at Greene & Phillips?

They can call our office at 300-2000, or they can come by anytime during normal business hours at our office on North Florida Street. You never need an appointment!