What to know about Uninsured Motorist Coverage with Greene & Phillips

Published: Aug. 16, 2022 at 12:56 PM CDT|Updated: Apr. 11, 2023 at 8:12 AM CDT
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MOBILE, Ala. (WALA) - Motor vehicle insurance is a requirement by law, but unfortunately not everyone plays by the rules. Attorney David Greene joined us on Studio10 to discuss uninsured motorist coverage and how to protect yourself from uninsured drivers.

The following questions and answers were provided by Greene & Phillips:

What is uninsured motorist insurance coverage?

Uninsured motorist coverage is a component of your auto insurance policy that is not required by state law. Uninsured Motorist, or UM, covers your vehicle damage and injury costs if you are hit by someone without insurance. Underinsured Motorist, UIM, covers you if you are hit by someone who may have insurance, but not enough to cover your property damage or injury expenses.

Why is it so important to have Uninsured Motorist coverage on your policy?

Alabama law requires every driver to have at least $25,000 in liability coverage. That is so if you hit someone, your insurance will pay up to $25,000 toward the injury or property damage of the vehicle or person you hit. Unfortunately, many people do not have insurance. A recent study showed that one in four vehicles are not insured. If one of them hits you and causes damage, you will be left with the bill. Also, many times we see where injury costs and vehicle damage total much more than $25,000. Cars and trucks are heavy and can do tremendous damage quickly. You may get hit by a vehicle that has the alabama minimum, but that may not be enough to cover your hospital bills.

Is it a requirement to have Uninsured Motorist coverage?

You do have the option to waive UM/UIM coverage when you purchase your auto policy. However, if you choose not to have it, you might find it difficult, if not impossible, to cover your losses from an accident with an uninsured motorist.

Is UM and UIM coverage expensive?

No, and in fact, it is some of the most inexpensive insurance you can buy. Depending on your policy, many times it only costs you an additional $15-20 every six months.

What are some ways you can protect yourself from uninsured motorists?

The first thing you can do is to make sure you have included UM/UIM coverage on your auto policy. The higher the limits, the better. The next thing you can do is practice defensive driving. Always be cautious of other drivers. Plan ahead for the unexpected, watch your speed, always use your turn signals, and keep a safe distance.

If anyone has further questions about uninsured motorist coverage, how can they reach you?

They can call us at 300-2000 or come by our office on Florida Street anytime. We’d be happy to sit down and review their auto policy with them.
