Greene & Phillips: Pedestrian Safety

Published: Dec. 27, 2022 at 12:28 PM CST
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Did you know that a pedestrian is killed every 96 minutes from a traffic related accident? That equates to over 5,000 deaths per year. David Greene from the law firm of Greene & Phillips is here today to discuss pedestrian safety.

This seems to be a pretty big issue. David, what rights do pedestrians have as they travel near the roadways?

In Alabama, vehicles must yield the right-of-way to pedestrians within a crosswalk that are in the same half of the roadway as the vehicle, or when a pedestrian is approaching closely enough from the opposite side of the roadway to constitute a danger. Also, if a traffic control device such as “Walk”/ “Don’t Walk” sign is in operation, pedestrians may only cross between two adjacent intersections in a marked crosswalk, and may only cross an intersection diagonally if authorized by a traffic control device.

Are there things pedestrians should avoid in order to stay safe?

Absolutely, of course they need to avoid entering a crosswalk in which vehicles of either direction are in close proximity. But, they also must yield the right-of-way to vehicles when crossing outside of a marked crosswalk or an unmarked crosswalk at an intersection. It’s always important to stay alert and pay attention to your surroundings at all times.

If a pedestrian is struck by vehicle, what should they do?

Of course, seek medical attention immediately. Then, be sure to call the authorities, and make sure an accident report is done. It is so important to make sure that everything is documented. Then speak with a personal injury attorney to see how they are able to help you.

Does it cost anything to hire a personal injury attorney?

At Greene & Phillips, we work on a contingency fee basis. That means that we don’t get paid unless we are able to get you money.

David, how can our viewers reach you if they have any further questions?

They can call us at 300-2000, or they can stop by our office anytime at 51 North Florida Street.


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