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Champions of Liberty - Olive Branches

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This project, regardless of the race, sex or religious beliefs centers on the individual's very particular essence to carry out what's proper or good for their own kind, no matter what it may take in physical resource (s) or at what personal expense, suffering and/or toil.

It is basically aimed to gather and pay homage to a select group of individuals that, throughout history, have shaped their century's course of events (in their own turf or internationally) in a significant (positive way), and succeeded in "planting" the idea... which is what will live beyond "the man", long after he has physically disappeared from the face of the earth.

In a way it is a group engulfing that of the "Dissident Freedom Activists Worldwide" , but for people that have specifically challenged (or are challenging) a system, with courage and determination, not always succeeding in bringing the ship to safe harbor, but at least doing what they believe is right, with a commendable ability to convince others, despite the obvious repercussions this might bring them, in the name of Freedom, Liberty, Justice, Human Rights and Environmental Awareness.

I'd like this portal to include: Freedom of Speech (1st Amendment) Advocates (Press, Journalists, Writers, etc.); Inventors (who have put their inventions and scientific life-discoveries to good use, or who have seen their brain-child's potential danger of being misused and warned the appropriate authorities on time); Natural Philanthropists (Pure Scientists, Mathematicians, Natural Scientists, Biologists, Chemists, Physicists, Anthropologists, Entomologists) who have defended the(ir) Natural Habitat from Extinction (Fauna and Flora); Artists, Actors, Film and Documentary Makers Raising Awareness of These Problems (thus directly protecting the basic rights of the animals and plants to exist, and indirectly protecting our own !); Politicians and Human Rights-Advocates; Minority and ill-Represented group champions who suffer (or have suffered) incredible breach of privacy and in many cases defamation as well as physical assault by violent perpetrators who try to silence them- by exercising fear, playing at eroding their patience or in some cases, simply plain-ignoring their pleas for Justice. Climate Change Advocates of any walk of life: scientists, politicians, laymen alike; Military as well as Clergy Men (who always have power to start with, but don't use it until perhaps it is too late); Students, Civil Rights Leaders, Poets and Thinkers who have taken the call at the right time at the smack dab moment in History.

"The cause of freedom is always the cause of God." William Lisle Bowles: (letter to Edmund Burke)

Project Created on February 23rd, 2019 by Pedro L. Baldo D. ARR.