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Finnish sailors as early settlers in New Zealand and Australia

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  • Herman Torvinen (c.1845 - c.1910)
  • Andrew Corbett (c.1846 - 1875)
    Possibly Korpela. Andrew anglicised his name once he started working on British ships. The earliest record we have for him is a crew list on a British ship which has him as "Andrew Corpula". Another s...
  • Mikko Juhonpoika Kulju (1857 - 1891)
    Vihannin seurakunnan arkisto - IAa:10 Rippikirja 1855-1864, jakso 65, sivu 119: Albua By; torp under 14 Kulju ; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 14.9.2022 Vihannin seurakunnan arkisto - IAa:11a Rippikirja...
  • Mikko Niilonpoika Orava (1834 - d.)
    Pyhäjoen seurakunnan arkisto - Syntyneiden luettelot 1822-1849, jakso 126, sivu 224-225: 1834; Kansallisarkisto: / Viitattu 6.7.2021 Pyhäjoki rippikirja 1831-1838 (IK78-79) Sivu 173 Norr By Torp. Back...
  • Matthew Matheson (1852 - 1936)
    Matthew Matthewson According to DNA evidence Matti Juhonpoika Luoto (Matts Johansson Luoto) is the same person who settled in New Zealand and changed there his name to Matthew Matthewson (also Matson a...

Purpose of project is to identify key persons, fill gaps in ships' routes and masters

Project Brig "Onni" from Finland to Victoria, Australia 1852 - 1853 is excluded here

In Finland there were three categories of seamen.

  • Jungmanni / jungman. First timer, especially when it comes to sailing abroad for a year or two.
  • Puolimatruusi / lättmatros in Swedish. Knowing how to, workhorses on sea. Stiĺl learning.
  • Matruusi / matros. Fully skilled specialist. On "Impi" there were two matros hired.
  • Highest income laivakirvesmies / timmerman (carpenter) and puosu / båtsman (bosun). Head of the crew.
  • In the lowest paid end on "Impi" there were two cooķs and three stewards
  • Bosun and sometimes the carpenter had access to officers' quarters in the aft
  • Officers on "Impi" apart the master, were the mate and the constable
  • Obviously the crew worked normally in three watches, but the master
  • Each watch lasted 4 hours, that is 8 hour glass turns but two half watches to rotate
  • Sailors were by law and oath committed to return to home port, even after years.
  • Deserting the ship was, if the man was caught or he returned voluntarily, punished by fines and jail time
  • Seaman's wife got half of the ĥusband's wage paid at home by the shipwright monthly

There are three sailors from Finland ships of whom are missing.
In the prelude of Ivalojoki gold rush seamen Ervast from Oulu, Lepistö and Björkman from Raahe were active in summer 1869, the two former gaining 2 kg gold in 2 months. Björkman's expertise was from NZ, Ervast and Lepistö from Australia rushes some earlier.
Jakob Ervast
Nils Erkinpoika Lepistö
Edvard Björkman

  • in a ship there is the hull structure, the standing rig and the moving rig
  • a barque has the hull covered with deck, slightly concave strong timber across hull covered with planks along the ship
  • in the inside, there is set of frames across the hull
  • traditionally, there were two sets of frames, the first set on the keel structure, supporting deck
  • attached to first frame set, there were secondary frames, raising to ship's gunwale level, making especially the waterline area of the ship strong
  • gunwale timber was attached on tops of secondary frames by strong joints
  • instead of wooden frames there could be single iron frames, for more space in the hold
  • on the deck, there were two large hatches for loading and unloading ship's cargo or ballast
  • the hull was covered from outside with thick planks, riveted through the frames
  • as the dry wood expands, there was driven tight and well lasting caulking between hull planking
  • the Raahe ships were mainly of pine, they were heavily tarred, plenty of pictch applied where needed
  • from waterline down, barque "Impi" was copper plate covered in England for lasting longer in warm waters and sailing faster
  • through the deck, there were built a couple of sheltered accesses to the hold, with stairs
  • the deck planks were regularly honed for keeping the deck not slippery
  • the hull was least expensive part of the ship, especially in maintaining
  • standing rig comprised of the masts and the bowsprit
  • the low mast stock rested on mast leg against the keel
  • for keeping the ĥold dry, there was watertight cloth wrapped around the low mast covering the opening in the deck
  • in front of low mast, partly along that, there was the top mast stock attached
  • aftermost mast of "Impi", the mizzen, had only these stocks, and that mast was more tilted back than the others
  • in front of the mizzen mast "Impi" had her tallest one, the main mast
  • attached as before, there was a platform on the lowmast and the foremost mast's low
  • partly along and on top of the topmast there was the topgallant stock attached
  • in front of the main mast, there was the foremast of three stocks standing
  • high in the foremast there was the crow's nest accomodating the lookout of the crew
  • bowsprit, of two stocks in "Impi", was long and rising rather high above water foremost in the ship
  • in the moving rig there was a huge amount of rope
  • as one coil of hemp rope consisted of less than 200 m (tarred) rope, the lengths had to be spliced together
  • a long splice of rope was supposed to run throgh a block
  • the blocks were made of hard wood, with three holes through usually
  • ropes keeping the masts upright and joining them lengthwise were called stays
  • ropes keeping the masts upright across the ship were shrouds, in "Impi" mainly attached to the gunwale it seems
  • sets of shrouds were tied together at regular intervals to form ladders up to mast parts and
  • Daniel Henrickson
  • Oath as sailor number 232 in Raahe (=Brahestad) Seamen House records
  • Last time at Holy Communion July 4 1875
  • Enlisted on barque "Impi" Aug 30 1875 as Junior Seaman (inexperienced)
  • Sailors on "Impi" tax registered in Raahe. Skipper C. G. Högman, matros Johan Niemelä, Anders Korvelin, Henrik Räihälä, Johan Frans Hiitolin, Henrik Korvonen lättmatroser, jungman Daniel Heikkilä, kocken Johan Siniluoto, kocken Timoteus Ylitalo
  • Anders Heikinpoika Korvelin
  • ca Sept 2 1875 "Impi" sails from Raahe to Oulu for cargo
  • "Impi" for cargo at Oulu - timber
  • crewing styrman Eklund, konstapel Hansen, timmerman Lillvis, båtsman Siipo, matros Rosendahl, lättmatros Tuomela - Rosenberg Salmela Wallenius, stuert
  • carpenter Erkki Erkinpoika Lillvis
  • Carl Gustaf Högman
  • master of barque "Impi" 1875, built in Raahe 1868, 345 läst (638 tons), copper plated
  • was sailing with family, wife Charlotta Elisabet Strömsten

Ships from Finland to North America

Barque "'Impi" of Raahe

  • Oct 13 1875 Impi, Högman, clear at Oulu for Englad with planks
  • Oct 20 1875 Impi, Högman, clear of Danish Customs
  • Oct 30 1875 Impi, Högman, at Grmsby from Oulu
  • Jan 3 1876 Impi from Thames, waiting clearance for Philadelphia
  • Feb 14 1876 Impi, Högman, from Grimsby at Philadelphia
  • March 5 1876 Daniel Heikkilä and Anders Korvelin as deserted in Philadelphia
  • March 16 1876 Impi clear for Cork, without "Daniel Henrickson"

Possibly Daniel Heikkilä and Anders Korvelin sailed for some time together y ears 1876 to 1878

Barque "Matts August" of Raahe

Built 1874 in Raahe, 332 läst (614 tons)
"Läst" equals ca 1,85 Register ton. Used in Finland until 1877

  • Oskar Samulin
  • Kronstadt June 24 1878 Matts August, Samulin, from Grimsby
  • at Raahe in between for maintenance and crewing
  • Kronstadt Aug 25 1878 Matts August, Samulin, for Baltimore
  • Danish Customs Sept 6 1878 Matts Agust, Samulin. Kronstadt for Baltimore
  • Dragör Pilot Station Sept 6 Matts August, Samulin
  • Falmouth Oct 4 1878 Matts August, Samulin, for water, from Kronstadt to Baltimore
  • Falmouth Oct 6 1878 Matts August, for Baltimore
  • Baltimore Dec 2 1878 Matts August, Samulin, from Kronstadt
  • Deserters at Baltimore 1878 Matts Johansson Luoto, Carl Gustaf Pecklin, Oscar Nordberg, Michel Kulju
  • Karl Gustaf Nilsson Pecklin
  • Oscar Agabus Nordberg
  • Mikko Juhonpoika Kulju
  • Matthew Matheson
  • "Last communions in Raahe"
  • Luoto ? Pecklin 8/7 1877, Nordberg 14/7 1778, Kulju 14/7 1878
  • Obviously Matts August had been on Raahe docks for maintenance in summer 1878 and was crewing, ready to sail out right after July 14th "
  • Baltimore Dec 24 1878, Samulin, clear for Honfleur

Possibly sailors deserted at Baltimore 1878 met those deserting 1876 at Philadelphia some of them sailing together

Ships across oceans or in British home trade

Star of Persia

An iron full-rigged ship built in 1868 by Harland & Wolff, Belfast, as Yard No. 55. Dimensions 69,23×10,68×6,77 meters and 1289 GRT, 1227 NRT and 1193 tons under deck. 1868 June 23
Launched at the shipyard of Harland & Wolff, Belfast, for J.P. Corry & Co., Belfast. Assigned the official British Reg. No. 60312 and signal JLCR. Employed in the Indian jute trade.
1870/71 Sailed from London to Calcutta in 83 days.
1871/72 Sailed from Calcutta to London in 93 days.
1872 Sailed from London to Calcutta in 8k3 days under command of Captain J. Simpson.
1875 Sailed from London to Calcutta in 81 days.
1876 Sailed from London to Calcutta in 79 days under command of Captain W.J.M. Shaw.
1877 Sailed from Calcutta to London in 96 days.

Daniel Henrickson
Matthew Matheson

Slieve Donard of Belfast

About the ship year 1881 eastbound
Built 1859, 1498 tons, official number 214ooo
Master John Mc Mullan
Destination Dundee
Daniel Hendricson and Mats Matson in the crew

Duke of Sutherland

About the ship
Passenger / cargo ship, built 1865, 1047 tons, barque
Sunk in Timaru NZ May 2nd 1882
Daniel Henrickson and
Matthew Matheson survivig


  • Hendrick Hendricksen in crew
  • Auckland Jul 31 1883 to Sydney NSW

ships of Andrew Corbett

Schooner "Muisto" of Brahestad, Finland

  • built 1855 for North Sea use on Raahe docks, tonnage 60 läst / about 111 tons
  • from Hull for Brahestad Sept 19 1868
  • master probably Gustaf Viktor Alcenius
  • John Törnroos Erik Charles Frost Johan Munter and Andrew Corpulea jumping the ship

Hollinside of South Shields

  • of 639 tons, built 1863, master Jas Hesc. Bains
  • Liverpool to East Indies
  • crewing John Törnroos 22 yrs, Erik Hamppa 22 yrs, Charles Frost 22 yrs, Anrew Corpulea 22 yrs, Johan Munter 28 yrs
  • at Shields, Finns joining Ocean Bride
  • Charles Frost
  • John Mountain

Brig "Ocean Bride"

  • Liverpool to London, crewing the Finns at Shields 12/12/1868
  • master Thomas Dawson
  • Of Guernsey 297 tons, at London Feb 25 1869
  • Charles Frost 23 yrs
  • John Mountain 29 yrs
  • Andrew Corplea/Carpla 23 yrs

Early Dawn

  • Of Alloa, 519 tons, built ca 1859, leaving London April 10 and 16 1869 for Brisbane. Two attempts and lists.
  • master James M Reid, 31 yrs, his former ship wrecked near Alloa
  • 1. Andrew Carplar A.B. 24 yrs Finland in the crew
  • 2. Andrew Corbett A.B. 24 yrs Finland in the crew
  • Mate sent home

Jane Maria

  • of 341 tons, Mauritius to Sydney NSW Dec 10 1869
  • master George Leggett
  • Andrew Corbett A.B. in the crew

Barque "Adventurer"

  • of 305 tons, South Seas to Sydney NSW Nov 22 1870
  • master Charles Bennett
  • Andrew Corbett A.B. in the crew

Hannah Broomfield

  • of Sydney, 134 tons, Normantown to Sydney NSW July 14 1873
  • Andrew Corbett from Sweden in the crew

Darlinghurst Gaol

  • Andrew Corbett in the crew

ships of Herman Torvinen

Agnes Edgell

  • 1874 Herman Torvinen '


Last comes a sailor who settled before 1900, descendants growing wine.
His son turned up in Oulu around 1913 to get from the bank his late father's savings there, staying a year in Oulu.