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  • Murray Mathew Nicholson (1883 - 1940)
    Murray is Gros Ventre (by father) and Piegan (by Blackfoot mother) 1937 Jan 1 - "United States, Native American, Census Rolls, 1885-1940", , FamilySearch ( : Sat Mar 09 21:12:11 UTC 2024), Entry for O...
  • Duncan McLennan, Jr. (1879 - 1900)
    Duncan was murdered, along with his uncle, by his father, who slit their throats over financial difficulties.
  • Isak Matinpoika Liikaluoma (1866 - 1892)
    Jalasjärvi rippikirja 1875-1884 (MKO64-86) Sivu 101 Ilvesjoki, Liikaluoma ; SSHY / Viitattu 12.11.2022 Jalasjärvi rippikirja 1885-1894 (MKO87-146) Sivu 283 Ilvesjoen kylä, no 3 Liikaluoma ; SSHY / Vii...
  • Source:
    Leon Katz (2024 - 2024)
    PhD student Nicole Virzi spoke about depression in women days before ‘killing six-week-old Leon Katz & injuring brother ’ Virzi has been working to complete a PhD in Clinical Psychology since 2019 Alys...
  • Cnt. Staffan Carl Adolf Klingspor (1685 - 1714)
    Staffan Carl Adolf Klingspor , döpt 1685-02-12 på Bällsta . Kornett vid Nylands och Tavastehus läns kavalleriregemente. Dödad ogift 1714 vid Vasa.


Please try to start sub projects with the actual cause of death.

{note from morel: I am adding a few profiles here, until we establish how we breakdown homicide death. After that, I will move those profiles into their applicable subprojects.}


Homicide is the act of a human being causing the death of another human being. There are both unintentional and intentional homicides, and many different types of homicides are generally treated very differently in human societies; such classes of homicide can include murder, abortion, manslaughter, euthanasia, and execution.

Not all homicides are crimes. Many homicides, such as murder and manslaughter, violate criminal laws. Others, such as a killing committed in justified self-defense, are not criminal. Illegal killings range from manslaughter to murder, with multiple degrees of each representing the gravity of the crime.

Word Origin & History

  • homicide "killing," c.1230, from O.Fr. homicide, from L. homicidium, from homo "man" + -cidium "act of killing" (see -cide). The meaning "person who kills" is also from O.Fr., from L. homicida, from -cida "killer."

Leading Methods of Homicide from: Leading Causes of Suicide, Homicide, & Unintentional Death 1999-2015

  • Fire arms = 67%
  • Cut or Pierce = 10.9%
  • Suffocation = 3.5%
  • Transportation = 1.3%
  • Struck by or Against = 1.1%
  • Fire or Burn = 0.7%
  • Poisoning = 0.5%
  • Drowning = 0.3%
  • Fall = 0.1%

Guns are the most commonly used weapons in both murders and suicides, according to the analysis of data from 2007 released on Thursday by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The CDC estimates that 50,000 people die violently every year in the United States. Homicide is the second leading cause of death, after accidents, for 15- to 24-year-olds and the third leading cause of death for children aged 10 to 14, with suicide following right after in both age groups.

Additional Reading:

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