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Jessie's Journal - Documents Project

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Jessie was born March 9, 1873 in Parma, Michigan. Her first occupation was that of a 3rd Grade School Teacher in Jackson, Michigan at age 15.

Later She Married Charles J. Garey and moved to Benton Harbor, Michigan. Jessie Hogle maintained a Journal for most of her life and passed out as she would so often say April 23, 1951. [1]

Jessie started a Journal, (in fact there are 2), in 1880 and continued her journal up to her death. When she passed her childern went through her effects...and nobody wanted these old books. Finally my Grandmother, her daughter Wahneta Bertha Garey had a second thought and plucked them from the trash and took them home at the end of the day, per my mother

I might note here: that the journal is not a Holy Grail to the Family and it's secretes. It's a method to uncover facts using documents. In her day those documents were letters and correspondence with family members across the country. Gathering first hand testimony when no records existed. I mean stuff like, "this was my dad, this was my mom, I was born, I got married and these are our kids.".

Using her methods of discovery, and using documents to substantiate facts with sources will allow you to do what we are doing take over from where she left off 80 years ago.

It it highly important, Highly. IF you post a picture or document to the documents project everybody in that picture or document must be named, the place that it was taken is noted, and the date of the event. Absolutely no exceptions.

I can to this day Scan Slides that my Grandfather took in color in the 50's and my Grandmother noted; Time people and event. on the margin.

This project is a way to do it right, or don't do it at all.

So, I don't mind adding other collaborators to this project, but if you want Jessie's Certificate, you do exactly her way.

Because of the way she did things,

Her daughter wasn't interested, nor daughters her son, but her daughters, son's, son was. And I was able to pick up where she left off, because of her methods and sources. Call it bread crumbs.....and she died 5 years before I was born. But she managed to pass it forward to me nonetheless.

It has to do in a great part with the advent of the internet; Where people just post pictures called x@$#*0899.jpg and assign them to somebody.

It's great to have and share old pictures but, if you do, take the time to properly document them...otherwise they are basically worthless after a few generations.

Example; I have thousands of old slides my Grandfather took from the late 40's to the 80's if they would have written x@$#*0899.slide or nothing.. They'd all be in the trash by now. Like who is x@$#*0899?

I don't know if you are getting my point yet or not, but it's important to properly document things that you it can out live you. Like my great grand mother did to me in her Journals and passed them to me. It wasn't worthless trash, there was treasure in there.

My only regret is I never knew her. But being a teacher, she taught me how to do this to last.

So anybody who want's to collaborate here;

1. Has to fully source there documents and people associated to them in their family

2. Has to fully source all Photo' date time and place and everybody in them

That's it for starters And simple put, Who, What, Where, When. is the way to make it last, beyond you...and allow your descendants to see the Bread Crumbs

Then, and only then can you take your document or photo in this project, all profiles not conforming to the above standards will be removed. But you will be given fair warning first.

I'm trying to create a standard of excellence here, or seal that you have adhered to Jessie's Standards

Contributors to this Journal over time;

Please see Jessie's Journal - Contributors

Other References to this Journal;

I have elected to move the journal to for the ease of Document storage.

[Everything contained in this journal beginning with Jessie's Journal is Copyrighted including Photos. No Duplication of any Material contained within that titled is authorized for Distribution in any means(transcribed or by digital copy) without the Citation; From Jessie Hogle's Journal, which basically means do not copy her original journal pages]