Über uns

The Getty Research Journal is an open-access publication presenting peer-reviewed articles on the visual arts of all cultures, regions, and time periods.

The journal is published through Getty’s Quire software and freely available in web, PDF, and e-book formats. Topics often relate to Getty collections, initiatives, and broad research interests, although this is not a requirement for consideration. The journal welcomes a diversity of perspectives and methodological approaches, and seeks to include work that expands narratives on global culture. We encourage topics and cultural perspectives that remain marginalized in art history and related fields, as well as work by scholars of underrepresented backgrounds.

Previously available via subscription, the Getty Research Journal converted to a diamond open-access publication with the spring 2024 (no. 19) issue. Past issues (nos. 1–18) are available via subscription from Project MUSE while an evaluation is underway to determine the feasibility of making them freely available.

A person standing by a shelf filled with books holds up a tablet with the cover of a research journal on it.


The journal is currently inviting submissions.

Submissions are accepted through the journal's portal on Scholastica and reviewed on a rolling basis. Be sure to review our pages on Publishing in the Journal and Journal Policies for more information. Instructions for formatting and anonymizing a manuscript and supporting materials are available through the Scholastica link below.

Submit via Scholastica

Past Issues

Special Issues

To propose a special issue of the Getty Research Journal, prospective guest editors can reach out via email to the GRJ Editorial Office for a proposal form. The form must be filled out for a proposal to be considered.

We require an open call for manuscripts for all special issues of the journal; proposals for volumes with content assembled in advance will not be accepted. There is a maximum of two guest editors per special issue. Manuscripts will be processed through the journal’s submission portal on Scholastica.

All content for special issues is put through double-anonymous peer review, which may entail the same reviewers for an entire issue, separate reviewers for each manuscript, or a combination of both, depending on the needs of the content and any overlaps in subject areas. Guest editors will be asked to identify anyone who should not serve as a peer reviewer, including conflicts of interest. Overseen by the executive editor, guest editors are responsible for producing a call for submissions, identifying peer reviewers, collecting/evaluating reviews, and developing articles. Approval of the final selection of content advanced for publication remains under the jurisdiction of the executive editor. Any content submitted by the guest editor(s) will be reviewed separately, including an introduction.

Calls for submission to special issues will appear on the journal website and will be disseminated by the journal editors through their established networks and channels. Guest editors will be asked to disseminate the call through their own scholarly networks and communities.

Current calls for submission to special issues will appear below.


Executive Editor

Managing Editor

Editorial Board

  1. Scott Allan

    J. Paul Getty Museum

  2. LeRonn Brooks

    Getty Research Institute

  3. Maristella Casciato

    Getty Research Institute

  4. Anne-Lise Desmas

    J. Paul Getty Museum

  5. Tom Learner

    Getty Conservation Institute

  6. Mary E. Miller

    Getty Research Institute

  7. Rebecca Peabody

    Getty Research Institute

  8. Andrew Perchuk

    Getty Research Institute

  9. Richard Rand

    J. Paul Getty Museum

  10. David Saunders

    J. Paul Getty Museum

  11. Alexa Sekyra

    Getty Research Institute