Ron Howard movies: 17 greatest films ranked worst to best

Sometimes it feels like Ron Howard has been around forever. The actor/director, who was born on March 1, 1954, has been a star in TV and movies for over 65 years. From his early days playing Andy Griffith‘s son Opie on “The Andy Griffith Show” to his directing of the latest “Star Wars” story, “Solo,” the unassuming Howard still finds himself the center of attention.

Now primarily known as a director, Howard has won two Academy Awards — for producing and directing 2001’s Best Picture winner “A Beautiful Mind” starring Russell Crowe — and has two more nominations to his credit for producing and directing 2008 nominee “Frost/Nixon” starring Michael Sheen and Frank Langella.

Let’s take a photo gallery tour of his 17 greatest feature films, ranked from worst to best. Keep in mind that our gallery strictly focuses on his directing career and leaves out his terrific work as an actor in movies. Our gallery does include such wonderful movies as “Apollo 13,” “Splash,” “Cocoon,” “Parenthood,” “Thirteen Lives” and more.