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Plastics on the Peak: The 2021 Global Mountain Waste Survey

06 Apr 2022

The 2021 Global Waste Survey was designed as a first step to collect the mountain community’s opinion and first-hand experience on waste at a global level. Mountains and polar regions are experiencing the effects of climate change at a faster rate than other parts of the world. Mountain dwellers and visitors are witnesses of environmental change and their perception on waste present in the mountains and its evolution in time is valuable information that constitutes the basis of this report.

Survey results highlighted that waste is perceived as an issue for a large majority of respondents. Its presence is perceived across mountains in all continents. Plastic waste was the type of waste seen most frequently by the respondents. It is also one of the most persistent materials when released in the environment. One of the main results of the survey is the presence of waste across all continents, with different perceived quantities depending on the mountain regions.

Status: Completed

Type: Monograph

Year of publication: 2022

Tags: mountains plastic pollution plastic waste

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