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The prescription opioid and heroin overdose epidemic affects Pennsylvanians across the state, from big cities to rural communities. DOH takes an all-hands-on deck approach to prevent the disease from happening, rescue those suffering and get Pennsylvanians into treatment. 

Pennsylvania's Opioid Data Dashboard

The data dashboard provides county-level data and highlights prevention, rescue and treatment efforts across the commonwealth.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program

To help prevent prescription drug abuse and protect the health and safety of our community, Pennsylvania's Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PA PDMP) collects information on all filled prescriptions for controlled substances. This information helps health care providers safely prescribe controlled substances and helps patients get the treatment they need.

Standing Order Prescription for Naloxone

Naloxone is a medication that can reverse an overdose that is caused by an opioid drug. All Pennsylvanians can get naloxone at a local pharmacy using Pennsylvania's standing order prescriptions for naloxone. Find the standing orders below. Learn more about naloxone.

Patient Non-Opioid Directive

The Pennsylvania Department of Health non-opioid directive allows patients to formally communicate that they do not wish to receive opioid medications as a part of their treatment plan. The non–opioid directive helps prescribers and patients begin a dialogue of substance use history and look at alternative methods of treatment. In addition, the directive may prevent inadvertently offering certain controlled substances to those who could be adversely affected. 

Warm Handoff

Warm handoff is an approach where a health provider does a face-to-face introduction to a substance abuse specialist and makes a direct referral into substance abuse treatment. Similar to a heart attack patient who, once stable in the emergency department, would receive a facilitated referral to a cardiologist, opioid use disorder patients should receive similar treatment. 

Prescribing Guidelines

Working with the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs, DOH developed and adopted guidelines for 16 medical specialties on the safe and effective use of opioids in the treatment of pain. 

Continuing Education for Health Care Providers

The PDMP, in collaboration with the Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs and the University of Pittsburgh's Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU) has developed continuing educational curriculum for prescribers on best practices for using the PDMP system and on how to address substance use disorder with patients. Visit the PDMP website for Evidence-Based Prescribing: Tools You Can Use to Fight the Opioid Epidemic.

The Pennsylvania Medical Society, the Hospital and Health System Association, the Pharmacists Association and the other specialty societies have also developed a continuing education series that is available online.  The modules are available on the PA Medical Society website.

Pennsylvania Substance Use Navigation (PA-SUN) Program

The Pennsylvania Substance Use Navigation (PA-SUN) Program is a new statewide initiative to enhance treatment options for patients with opioid use disorder (OUD) by increasing access to medication-assisted treatment (MAT) using Food and Drug Administration-approved medication for the treatment of OUD in Emergency Departments (EDs). The Department is offering EDs in the Pennsylvania the opportunity to receive free technical assistance, consultation, and support from expert opioid medical consultant clinicians with OUD treatment knowledge to optimize care for patients with OUD. Learn more on the PA-SUN page.


Teens & Young Adults

Individuals & Families

First Responders

Providers & Prescribers


If you need assistance in finding a treatment provider or funding for addiction treatment, call:
1-800-662-HELP (4357)   

Find Treatment Online:
Atlas evaluates addiction treatment facilities' use of evidence-based best practices, includes an assessment to understand the appropriate level of care, and offers an easy-to-use dashboard to allow those in need and their loved ones to search for and compare facilities.

Additional Resources:

Opioid Treatment Agreements (Act 112 of 2019)

Vulnerability Assessment Report

Vulnerability Assessment Report Fact Sheet

Vulnerability Assessment Report County Maps

Xylazine Public Information

Xylazine Provider Information