Please Complete the 2024 National Health Center Training and Technical Assistance (T/TA) Needs Assessment
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Population Health Management Task Force National Learning Series 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This national learning series, sponsored by HRSA, takes a deeper dive into issues related to HIV, Diabetes, and Chronic comorbid disease management, which all impact population health management. More Details...

HRSA Behavioral Health Web Portal (2024). Resource Type: Other Resource Collection. Description: This external website includes a repository of potentially-relevant, curated resources from an organization outside of the HRSA-funded training and technical assistance organizations. (Note: resources in such collections do not undergo review by the Clearinghouse). This web portal describes that national approach to address behavioral health in the United States and includes resources in support of the President's mental health strategy, the HHS roadmap for behavioral health integration, interdepartmental efforts, and national focus areas. More Details...

Social and Structural Impacts on Diabetes and Comorbidities Management for AA and NH/PI Populations Learning Series: Module 4: Bridging Community and Clinic to Promote Diabetes Equity in South Asian Communities (2024). Resource Type: Micro-Learning. Description: The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health organizations (AAPCHO) chronic disease management programs, expertise, and national network in the AA and NH/PI community health center space, will feature research, community intervention strategies, and historical context for diabetes and other co-morbidities among AAs and NH/PIs. This self-paced learning series will feature modules that outline various social, political, and structural drivers of health for diabetes and comorbidities management. Modules will include case studies which promote resources, strategies, and interventions to support health center performance improvement and transformation efforts. This is module 4 and was recorded on June 5, 2024. More Details...

The Health Of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders Served at Health Centers: An Analysis of the 2022 Uniform Data System Report (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report was developed by Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations using the 2022 Uniform Data System data from health centers to examine the current state of health center performance and provides recommendations for how health centers can improve. More Details...

HITEQ Highlights: Integrating Patient Self-Monitoring Blood Pressure Within Office-Based Hypertension Management: HITEQ Highlights Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This session included topics such as the evidence base for a self-monitoring blood pressure program, best practices in hypertension management through a self-monitoring program, and technology barriers and challenges to remote blood pressure monitoring. More Details...

Social and Structural Impacts on Diabetes and Comorbidities Management for AA and NH/PI Populations Learning Series: Module 3: Culturally Grounded Interventions to Improve Mental and Physical Health (2024). Resource Type: Micro-Learning. Description: The Association of Asian Pacific Community Health organizations (AAPCHO) chronic disease management programs, expertise, and national network in the AA and NH/PI community health center space, will feature research, community intervention strategies, and historical context for diabetes and other co-morbidities among AAs and NH/PIs. This self-paced learning series will feature modules that outline various social, political, and structural drivers of health for diabetes and comorbidities management. Modules will include case studies which promote resources, strategies, and interventions to support health center performance improvement and transformation efforts. This is module 3 and was recorded on April 29, 2024. More Details...

HITEQ On the Horizon: What is the future of AI in Health Centers? Collection: Roundtable series (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The HITEQ Center is planning a series of discussions about what is on the horizon -- this includes the people, processes, and technologies related to UDS+, environmental impacts and environmental determinants of health (EDoH), and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Each session will be interactive and engaging and include time for health center sharing. This series is open to community health centers throughout the nation. More Details...

Advancing Equity: Community Health Workers' Role in Enhancing Breast Cancer Screenings and Linkage to Care (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: This webinar explored breast cancer disparities and their impact on different communities. Health centers play a critical role in providing comprehensive care, especially in tackling disparities in breast cancer screenings and care among underserved communities. Viewers will discover how Community Health Workers (CHWs) can bridge gaps and facilitate screenings and care. Learn practical strategies and best practices to implement CHW programs within your practice effectively. More Details...

Quality Improvement Strategies for LTBI Prevention and Care in A/AA and NH/PI-Serving Health Centers: National Clinical Quality Measurement - January 2024 (2024). Resource Type: Publication. Description: AAPCHO and the Tuberculosis Elimination Alliance held a learning collaborative, funded by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention and the Health Resources & Services Administration, in April 2023. More Details...

Using PCMH to Improve Asthma Outcomes Webinar (2024). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: The training reviews the practice of using a team approach to manage pediatric patients with asthma, engaging pediatric patients with care management, and exploring appropriate treatment options for asthma. More Details...

The Health of Asian Americans, Native Hawaiians, and Pacific Islanders Served at Health Centers: An Analysis of the 2021 Uniform Data System (2023). Resource Type: Publication. Description: This report examines current patient demographics and utilization of health services at health centers serving Asian Americans (AAs) and Native Hawaiians and Pacific Islanders (NH/PIs), and highlights the differences between these centers and the national average of all health centers in the United States. The analyses presented throughout this report are intended to improve understanding of AA and NH/PI patients served by health centers nationwide. More Details...

Stratifying Quality Measures by Housing Status and Location (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: In this training, we learned how to meaningfully impact communities by utilizing data to improve screening, care quality, and health outcomes. NNCC and the Primary Care Development Corporation partnered to conduct a webinar that guided health centers serving public housing residents and other special groups on how to use UDS data for QI, care coordination, and care model design. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Four (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Session 4 or 4 delves into various quality improvement techniques. Participants learned how to apply the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle effectively to bring about meaningful change within their healthcare settings. Practical tools and real-world examples guided participants in identifying areas for improvement and implementing evidence-based strategies. More Details...

Implementing Nurse Practitioner (NP) and NP/Physician Associate (PA) Postgraduate Training Programs: Program Development, Recruitment Strategies, and Accreditation (2023). Resource Type: Archived Webinar. Description: Join us and our peers at Open Door Community Health Centers as we dive into the key elements of successful primary care NP/PA residency programs. Discover program structure, recruitment strategies, bias reduction techniques, and the accreditation process. By the end of this webinar, you\'ll gain insights to implement and sustain effective NP/PA residency programs and enhance your clinical workforce development approach. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Three (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: Integrating behavioral health services into primary care requires effective financial planning and re-conceptualization of determining ROI. Session 3 of 4 focuses on enhanced billing practices tailored to integrated healthcare models and on determining the contribution of integrated BH to the finances of the primary care setting or the health system as a whole. More Details...

Enhancing Healthcare Access for Special Populations Through Telehealth and Home Visitation Services: Part Two (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Hosted by the National Nurse-led Care Consortium and the National Center for Health in Public Housing, this 2-part webinar series discussed promising practices in home visitation and telehealth as ways to support improved access to comprehensive primary care for communities with high levels of disability and isolation, lack of adequate transportation, and other social drivers of health that contribute to health inequities, particularly residents of public housing. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part Two (2023). Resource Type: Online Self-Paced Learning Modules. Description: Session two focused on enhancing understanding of integrated care models and aspects of gaining leadership support for successful implementation. Leadership endorsement is critical for the successful implementation of integrated care methods. Participants engaged in discussions centered around strategies to gain leadership buy-in. Case analyses and group exercises empowered attendees to identify key motivators for leaders and tailor their approach to effectively communicate the benefits of integrated care, thereby securing the necessary support. More Details...

Successful Steps for Holistic Integration of Mental and Behavioral Health in Primary Care Learning Collaborative: Part One (2023). Resource Type: In-Person Training. Description: Integrated healthcare is a unique way to detect and address the broad spectrum of psychological, biological, and social needs among primary care patients. In part one of this learning collaborative, participants explored different levels of engagement and examined this framework of collaboration and the different levels of integration; we also learned about key strategies for successfully implementing integrated health care in your healthcare setting. Participants were introduced to the framework for patient and family engagement and reviewed an organizational assessment to gauge where action can be taken. More Details...

Building Connections to Improve Weather Emergency Preparedness for Socially Isolated Older Adults (2023). Resource Type: Publication . Description: This guide describes how health center providers and staff can use a simple visual social mapping tool to help socially isolated older adults build social networks in preparation for a weather emergency. More Details...

COO Competencies and Professional Development Tool (2023). Resource Type: Toolkit. Description: This tool is appropriate for use by a wide variety of stakeholders, including health center Chief Executive Officers (CEO), COOs and other Leaders; Board of Directors; Human Resources; Search Firms; Primary Care Associations; Training Organizations; and more. It is our hope that this tool will provide the structure and common language to help define, develop, and sustain excellence in operations leadership of health centers across the United States. More Details...

This project is supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $6,625,000 with 0 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government. For more information, please visit