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House Floor Session

Tuesday, March 28, 2000 - 9:00 AM

CALENDAR FOR THE DAY. HF2731 (Davids) Motor vehicle manufacturers, distributors, and factory branches unfair practices regulated. SF2363 (Larsen, P) Dental benefit plans regulated. SF2444 (Cassell) Stearns County land conveyance authorized. SF2905 (Kuisle) Uniform municipal contracting law; specified dollar limits increased, cooperative purchasing exemption provided, county credit card purchases authorized, and county employees unauthorized credit card purchases personal liability provided. SF2894 (Dorman) OSHA; discrimination complaint communications classified as privileged. SF1733 (Carruthers) Civil third-party liability imposed for damages caused by intoxicated persons under age 21, subrogation claims denied, and homeowner's insurance coverage exclusion provided. SF2510 (Smith) Common interest ownership communities and redemption of realty technical changes provided, and procedural requirements modified. SF3005 (Sykora) Excluded adult foster care provider right to seek licensure established, tribal licensing agencies provided access to criminal history, and background study requirements modified. SF3369 (Ozment) Special purpose watershed districts with environmental responsibilities grants provided, restructuring pilot projects authorized, and board of government innovation and cooperation pilot project grants provided. SF3055 (Abeler) Health plan network shadow contracting regulations expanded and impact study required. SF3283 (Westerberg) Snowmobile metal traction device sticker requirement civil enforcement provided. Runs 2 Hrs., 58 min.