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Audio/Video Archives - 2023-2024 Regular Session


Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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DE to HF1938 (Gomez) House Tax Bill
House Research Overview
House Fiscal Overview

The DE Amendment and corresponding spreadsheet will be posted, Monday, April 17th at 11 AM. Materials will be posted to the Committee website when they are available. Public testimony will be taken on Tuesday, April 18th's Taxes Committee hearing.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF1938 (Gomez) - Tax finance and policy bill.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF3068 (Gomez) State aids; Tribal Nation aid established, and money appropriated.
HF2883 (Hornstein) Corporate franchise tax provisions modified, and worldwide combined reporting required.
HF0442 (Her) Individual income tax provisions modified, and income tax rates and brackets modified.

Bills may be added or removed. Materials will be posted to the Committee website when they are available. Public testifiers should email their full name, organization (if applicable), preferred title, and article/section of the bill they are signing up to testify to the Committee Administrator ([email protected].gov) by 4 PM on Monday, April 10th. Testimony will be limited to two minutes per testifier. The number of testifiers may be limited due to time constraints. Materials to be distributed to the Committee members are also due by 4 PM on Monday, April 10th. to the Committee Administrator and the Committee Legislative Assistant Lauren Sabes ([email protected].gov). Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF442 (Her) - Individual income tax provisions modified, and income tax rates and brackets modified.
HF2883 (Hornstein) - Corporate franchise tax provisions modified, and worldwide combined reporting required.
HF3068 (Gomez) - State aids; Tribal Nation aid established, and money appropriated.


UPDATE: The Taxes Committee will reconvene at 11 AM.

HF2335 (Howard) Minnesota Housing Finance Agency budget established, childhood housing stability provided, community stabilization program established, first-generation homebuyers down payment assistance fund established, and money appropriated. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF2497 (Youakim) Prekindergarten through grade 12 education funding provided; general education, education excellence, teacher, special education, facilities, nutrition, libraries, early childhood, community education, and state agencies provisions modified; reports required; and money appropriated. (Pending Re-Referral)
HF2887 (Hornstein) Active transportation program funding provided, and money appropriated.

The Taxes Committee will be focused on the tax provisions of the bills. Bills may be added or removed. The Committee will recess for floor session and re-convene after the floor session to finish the agenda. Materials will be posted to the Committee website when they are available. Public testifiers should email their full name, organization (if applicable), preferred title, and article/section of the bill they are signing up to testify to the Committee Administrator ([email protected].gov) by 3 PM on Monday, April 3rd. Testimony will be limited to two minutes per testifier. The number of testifiers may be limited due to time constraints. Materials to be distributed to the Committee members are also due by 3 PM on Monday, April 3rd. to the Committee Administrator and the Committee Legislative Assistant Lauren Sabes ([email protected].gov). Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF2335 (Howard) - Housing finance and policy bill.
HF2497 (Youakim) - Education finance bill.
HF2887 (Hornstein) - Transportation finance and policy bill.
1) Taxes Agenda 4.4.23.pdf (4/3/2023)
2) 3.30.23 Taxes Twenty Sixth Meeting Minutes.pdf (4/3/2023)
3) HF2335 1st Engrossment Bill Language.pdf (4/3/2023)
4) H2335A12 (Howard) Author's Amendment.pdf (4/3/2023)
7) Housing Finance Combined HF 2335 DE 1 AA xx House Position.pdf (4/3/2023)
8) Elected Letter Metro Housing Sales Tax FINAL.pdf (4/3/2023)
9) Homes For All Letter Metro Sales Tax.pdf (4/3/2023)
10) HF2335 Testimony Theresa Dolata.pdf (4/3/2023)
11) Metro Cities Letter HF 2335.pdf (4/3/2023)
12) HF2335 Beacon Letter Housing Omnibus.pdf (4/3/2023)
13) HF2497 1st Engrossment Bill Language.pdf (4/3/2023)
14) H2497A9 (Youakim) Author's Amendment.pdf (4/3/2023)
15) HF2497 House Research Summary.pdf (4/3/2023)
16) HF2497 Revenue Estimate House E12 Omnibus_pt_1.pdf (4/3/2023)
17) HF2497 Levy Summary 2023.04.03.pdf (4/3/2023)
18) Ed Finance Levy SS HF2497 2023.04.03.pdf (4/3/2023)
19) K-12 Ed Finance HF2497-DE1 Taxes SS 2023.04.03 12.11PM.pdf (4/3/2023)
20) HF2887 DE1 (Transportation Committee).pdf (4/3/2023)
21) H2887A31 (Hornstein) Author's Amendment.pdf (4/3/2023)
22) HF2887 House Research Summary.pdf (4/3/2023)
23) HF 2887 As passed committee 4-3 corrected.pdf (4/3/2023)
24) 2023 Transportation Revenue HF2887 3-31.pdf (4/3/2023)
25) Reg Tax - H2887DE1 (003).pdf (4/3/2023)
27) HF 2887 Metro Cities Letter - Taxes.pdf (4/3/2023)
28) ISAIAH Clergy In Support of Transit Funding_ 1c Metro Sales Tax + Greater MN.pdf (4/3/2023)
29) SayNoToDeliveryFees_HouseTaxes.pdf (4/3/2023)
30) HF2335 Linda Stage Written Testimony 4-4-23.pdf (4/3/2023)
31) HF2335 Dean Rupp Written Testimony 4-4-23.pdf (4/3/2023)
32) HF2335 Jurline Bryant Written Testimony 4-4-23.pdf (4/3/2023)
33) HF2335 Sheila & Deric Written Testimony 4-4-23.pdf (4/3/2023)
34) HF2335 Steven Hardy Written Testimony 4-4-23.pdf (4/3/2023)
35) 100% Campaign Letter on HF 2887 - Taxes.pdf (4/3/2023)
36) 2023.04.04 NFIB MN Ltr re HF 2887-HF 2335 (House Taxes).pdf (4/3/2023)
6) HF2335 Revenue Estimate Housing Bill_1.pdf (4/4/2023)
37) HF2335 support Letter Amanda Woods.pdf (4/4/2023)
5) HF2335 HR Summary 1st Engrossment.pdf (4/4/2023)


Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF0100 (Stephenson) Omnibus cannabis bill.

The Taxes Committee will be focused on the tax provisions of the bill. Bills may be added or removed. Materials will be posted to the Committee website when they are available. Public testifiers should email their full name, organization (if applicable) and preferred title to the Committee Administrator ([email protected].gov) by 5 PM on Wednesday, March 29th. Testimony will be limited to two minutes per testifier. The number of testifiers may be limited due to time constraints. Materials to be distributed to the Committee members are also due by 5 PM on Wednesday, March 29th to the Committee Administrator and the Committee Legislative Assistant Lauren Sabes ([email protected].gov). Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF100 (Stephenson) - Cannabis finance and policy bill.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
UPDATED: HFXXXX (Gomez) Tribal Aid has been removed from the agenda and HF2982 and HF2819 has been added to the agenda.

HF209 (Bahner) Lawful gambling provisions modified, and combined net receipts tax modified.
HF3069 (Gomez) Local Sales Tax Task Force (Bill Introduced)
HF2982 (Davids) Spring Grove; fire remediation grant authorized. (BILL ADDED)
HF2819 (Davids) Spring Grove; sales and use tax provisions modified, refundable exemption for building materials and capital equipment provided, and money appropriated. (BILL ADDED)

Bills may be added or removed. Materials will be posted to the Committee website when they are available. Public testifiers should email their full name, organization (if applicable) and preferred title to the Committee Administrator ([email protected].gov) by 5 PM on Wednesday, March 22nd. Testimony will be limited to two minutes per testifier. The number of testifiers may be limited due to time constraints. Materials to be distributed to the Committee members are also due by 5 PM on Wednesday, March 22nd to the Committee Administrator and the Committee Legislative Assistant Lauren Sabes ([email protected].gov). Please note: submitted written testimony is public and will be included in the official committee record. It may be posted to the committee webpage if received by deadline.

To learn more about requesting an accommodation, please visit the FAQs for Disability Access. If you have further questions on accommodations or accessibility, please contact the Committee Administrator.
Bills Added:
HF209 (Bahner) - Lawful gambling provisions modified, and combined net receipts tax modified.
HF2819 (Davids) - Spring Grove; sales and use tax provisions modified, refundable exemption for building materials and capital equipment provided, and money appropriated.
HF2982 (Davids) - Spring Grove; fire remediation grant authorized.
HF3069 (Gomez) - Advisory task force created to examine role of local taxes in local government funding, and report required.
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Minnesota House of Representatives · 658 Cedar St. Saint Paul, MN 55155 · [email protected]