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Audio/Video Archives - 2015-2016 Regular Session

Meetings are listed by date with the most recent meeting at the top. If there is a television recording of the meeting links to that format will be available below.

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Veterans Affairs Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Recognition of WWII Veterans Francis Laqua and Elvin Ewert
Bills Added:
HF3109 (Dettmer) - Small business procurement program provisions changed.
HF2868 (Pugh) - Dentists who provide charity care to veterans allowed a subtraction, and veterans affairs commissioner duties imposed.
HF2624 (Newton) - Military personnel on active duty outside Minnesota retaking of failed road test before termination of practice period allowed.

Transportation Policy and Finance

Tentative agenda.
Additional bills may be added

Note: HF2690 (Kelly) DWI Ignition interlock bill has been removed from agenda for this hearing but will be rescheduled for Wed. April 6th
In its place we have added:

HF1780 (Bernardy) Transportation commissioner required to develop a performance, stewardship, and sustainability plan for the trunk highway system; and performance reports, assessment of the department's organizational structure, and achievement of performance targets required.

Chair Kelly is lifting the 24 hour rule for the committee for the bills for that day but amendments must be to the committee Administrator or Committee Legislative Assistant Josh Anderson ([email protected] or 651-296-3889) by 10am on Monday April 4th. If you are interested in testifying for or against a bill also contact Committee Legislative Assistant Josh Anderson.

NOTE: HF1018 (kiel) has been added to agenda due to conflict in scheduling for Wednesday for a testifier

Bills Added:
HF3723 (Drazkowski) - Temporary use of rights-of-way permit requirements modified.
HF3689 (Johnson) - Transportation commissioner required to consult, develop, adopt, and publicize best practices to improve objectivity and transparency in project selection processes; and report required.
HF1422 (Swedzinski) - Bus drivers exempted from seat belt fines arising out of violations by passengers.
HF1182 (Anderson) - Online hunting and fishing license application required to provide for organ donation, and report required.
HF1780 (Bernardy) - Transportation commissioner required to develop a performance, stewardship, and sustainability plan for the trunk highway system; and performance reports, assessment of the department's organizational structure, and achievement of performance targets required.
HF1018 (Kiel) - Nondomiciled commercial driver's licenses and permits provided.

Job Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance

Additional bills may be added.
Bills Added:
HF3569 (Garofalo) - Renewable development account transfers capped.
HF3633 (Baker) - Latino Communities United in Service funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3444 (Moran) - St. Paul; career pathways and workforce development program support provided, and money appropriated.

Civil Law and Data Practices

Bills may be taken in any order

Bills may be added

Bills Added:
HF1182 (Anderson) - Online hunting and fishing license application required to provide for organ donation, and report required.
HF2552 (O'Neill) - Mandatory hearing requirement for subsequent orders and extensions eliminated.
HF2553 (O'Neill) - Respondent filing fee requirements for an order for protection eliminated.
HF2803 (Zerwas) - Clinical drug trial participation prohibited by persons subject to emergency admission or apprehend and hold orders, and notice requirement for early termination of an emergency admission specified.
HF2294 (Smith) - Marriage license five-day waiting period eliminated.
HF3384 (Hoppe) - Life insurance reserve provisions modified.
HF1560 (Gruenhagen) - Patient's affirmative consent or nonconsent required for each item when requested to release health records.
HF1099 (Loonan) - Building construction and contract requirements clarified.
HF2345 (Hamilton) - Spoken language health care interpreter tiered registry system established, and money appropriated.
HF2741 (Lesch) - Nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images and nonconsensual sexual solicitation civil cause of action created, coercion crime amended to include threat of nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images, stalking crime amended to include nonconsensual sexual solicitation, qualified domestic violence related offense and harassment definitions expanded, criminal penalties established for nonconsensual dissemination of private sexual images and nonconsensual sexual solicitation, and criminal defamation law clarified.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

***HF3715 has been added to the agenda. This bill will be laid over***
Bills Added:
HF2866 (McNamara) - Invasive special control provided, wild rice license requirements modified, streamlined review of plans and regulations provided, civil penalties provided and modified, Wildfire Act modified, Sand Dunes State Forest logging prohibited, and report required.
HF3261 (Newberger) - Clear-cutting state land prior hearing and local approval required.
HF3715 (Fabian) - Demolition debris landfill permitting and rules provided.
H2866A2.pdf (3/30/2016)
H2866A5.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3261DE3.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3715A1.pdf (3/30/2016)

Rules and Legislative Administration

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Calendar for the Day: April 4, 2016

Agriculture Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF3182 (Swedzinski) - Agricultural Utilization Research Institute facility improvement funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF2601 (Sundin) - Rural Finance Authority agricultural loan programs funding provided, bonds issued, and money appropriated.
HF3153 (Hamilton) - Veterinary diagnostic laboratory equipment funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3154 (Hamilton) - Animal health information technology development grant funding provided, and money appropriated.


Audio Available: Download Mp3
Video Available:
Bills Added:
HF3560 (Mariani) - Citizenship credit allowed, and money appropriated.
HF2574 (Nornes) - Clay target sales tax exemption provided.
HF3124 (Davids) - Sales and use tax collection requirements modified.

Public Safety and Crime Prevention Policy and Finance

Bills Added:
HF3082 (Anderson) - Damage to energy transmission or telecommunications equipment crime expanded.
HF2690 (Kelly) - Ignition interlock required for repeat offenders in order to reinstate driving privileges, and ignition interlock program limited to alcohol related offenses.
A16-0960.pdf (3/29/2016)
H2690A1-1.pdf (3/29/2016)
H2690A2.pdf (3/29/2016)
H3651A1.pdf (3/29/2016)

Greater Minnesota Economic and Workforce Development Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
BILL ADDED: HF3637 (Davids)
Bills Added:
HF3243 (Gunther) - Rural career counseling coordinator funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3637 (Davids) - Southeast Minnesota economic growth study funding provided, and money appropriated.

Health and Human Services Finance

Additional bills may be added.

If you would like to testify, please contact Chris Stolarzyk, Committee Legislative Assistant, at [email protected]
Bills Added:
HF2865 (Whelan) - University of Minnesota appropriations in fiscal year 2017 modified, University of Minnesota fiscal year 2018 funding provided, legislative findings made related to the disposal of fetal tissue use in academic research, and money appropriated.

Education Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF2805, HF3132, HF3166, HF3340 scheduled for Wednesday, March 30, are added to the agenda for Thursday, March 31.

Bills may be heard in any order.

Anyone interested in testifying on a scheduled bill, please contact the Committee Administrator by email at [email protected].
Bills Added:
HF2983 (Kiel) - Mobile manufacturing lab program created, and money appropriated.
HF3405 (Theis) - Year-round mentoring and tutoring services targeting low-performing and chronically absent students with a focus on low income students and students of color grant provided, and money appropriated.
HF3450 (Moran) - Girls in Action grant funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2937 (Loon) - Staff development funding for intermediate school districts and other school cooperatives serving children with disabilities authorized, and money appropriated.
HF2805 (Fenton) - Grow Your Own teacher residency pilot program established, and money appropriated.
HF3132 (Erickson) - Teacher Shortage Act created, and money appropriated.
HF3166 (Loon) - Educator licensure account in the special revenue fund created, duties clarified, and money appropriated.
HF3340 (Fenton) - Collaborative urban educator program modified to increase the number of teachers of color in Minnesota schools, and money appropriated.
H2937A1.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3340A1.pdf (3/30/2016)

Education Innovation Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Overview of the HF3066 author's delete all amendment to make this the omnibus education policy bill will take place during the committee's regular scheduled time. The amendment will be posted to our committee page at 8:15AM on Wednesday, March 30th.

Testimony will take place after the walkthrough is completed.

Mark-up/action will take place after testimony has been completed.

***Bills may be added from Tuesday's agenda if they are not completed during committee time on that day***

***The committee will reconvene in SOB 200 at 4:45PM or 20 minutes after session adjourns (if applicable), whichever is later***

***If you are interested in testifying on the DE amendment, please contact Tom Brennan at [email protected]***
Bills Added:
HF3066 (Erickson) - Early childhood and prekindergarten through grade 12 education, including general education, education excellence, charter schools, special education, facilities and technology, and sufficiency and lifelong learning provided.

Government Operations and Elections Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Please note that HF 3585 will be laid over.

Agenda is subject to change. More bills may be added. Bills may be taken in any order.

If the agenda is not finished during the committee's allotted time, the committee will recess and the agenda will be continued in the evening.
Bills Added:
HF2665 (Zerwas) - Minnesota Eligibility System Executive Steering Committee established to govern the Minnesota eligibility system, and MNsure board composition modified.
HF2814 (Erickson) - Legislative study group established to review the legislative auditor's 2016 report on kindergarten through grade 12 teacher licensure and consider how to implement the recommendations, and Board of Teaching report required.
HF3517 (Newberger) - Unmanned aerial vehicle use prohibited near public safety helicopters.
HF2688 (Sanders) - Election and election administration provisions modified, timeline modified for when a special election is required to fill a vacancy on a school board, appointment of specified county offices authorized, and technical changes made.
HF3508 (Fabian) - Public Utilities Commission member election at the state general election provided.
HF3584 (Cornish) - Labor agreements and compensation plan ratified.
HF3585 (Drazkowski) - Labor agreements and compensation plans ratified, affirmative approval required before interim implementation of state employee collective bargaining agreements, exclusive representatives prohibited from requiring political contributions, and open meetings required.
HF3497 (Mariani) - Small vehicle passenger service ordinances that regulate pedicabs requirements amended.
HF2401 (Erhardt) - Edina; time to file approval of a 2014 special law extended.
HF3357 (Melin) - Hibbing's Public Utility Commission membership increase authorized.
HF2674 (Lueck) - Mineral Coordinating Committee extended, task force created to study aggregate resources, and appointments provided.
HF3691 (Knoblach) - Northstar commuter rail passenger service extension and modification negotiations initiation required.
HF3627 (Ward) - Perpich Center for Arts Education board structure amended, and additional oversight provided.
HF3724 (Sanders) - Voting equipment grant account established, county and municipality grant for acquisition of authorized voting equipment provided, and money appropriated.
HF3554 (Sanders) - Wireless communications service provider added to the statute allowing use of public roads by other utilities, task force established to study and make recommendations on deployment of small wireless telecommunications facilities, and report required.
A16-0986.pdf (3/30/2016)
A16-0989.pdf (3/30/2016)
A16-0990.pdf (3/30/2016)
H2688DE1.pdf (3/30/2016)
H2814DE5.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3508A1.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3584A1.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3585A1.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3585A4.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3585A5.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3585A6.pdf (3/30/2016)
H3627A3_2.pdf (3/30/2016)
H2688A1.pdf (3/31/2016)
H3724A1.pdf (3/31/2016)
H3554DE2.pdf (3/31/2016)

Aging and Long-Term Care Policy

If you would like to testify, please contact Kyle Berndt, Committee Legislative Assistant, at [email protected]
Bills Added:
HF3454 (Rosenthal) - Statewide education and outreach program implementation to protect vulnerable adults, seniors, and caregivers from financial exploitation required; and money appropriated.
HF3438 (Daniels) - Senior care career opportunity educational material development funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF3036 (Pierson) - Division of healthy aging creation advisory task force created, and money appropriated.
HF3009 (Poppe) - Caregiver support program and service governing provisions modified, and money appropriated.
HF2694 (Liebling) - Home care licensure exclusions modified.
HF2533 (Carlson) - Senior and disabled homestead credit claimants half of refund payment in April provided.
HF3466 (Theis) - Health information technology grant program established, and money appropriated.
HF3063 (Schomacker) - Nursing facilities and boarding care homes required to reimburse adult training programs for costs of nursing assistant training programs provided at no cost to program participants, and nursing facility payment rates modified.

Environment and Natural Resources Policy and Finance

Audio Available: Download Mp3
HF3401 is the LANDS BILL
Bills Added:
HF3401 (Kiel) - Bond-financed property valuation provided, state waysides and forests designated, state forests and parks added to and deleted from, state land sales and exchanges authorized, state land sale and exchange provisions modified, expedited sale of school trust lands and university lands allowed, state reversionary interest release provided, and state rights provided for common interest community.
HF3484 (Fabian) - Klondike comprehensive water management project provided, and state land conveyances authorized.
A16-0958.pdf (3/29/2016)

Property Tax and Local Government Finance Division

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Bills Added:
HF2936 (Backer) - Agricultural containment facility exemption repealed.
HF2936 (Backer) - Agricultural containment facility exemption repealed.
HF3403 (Lueck) - Costs of property tax judgments against state-assessed property required to be paid by the state, and money appropriated.
HF2719 (Petersburg) - Electric generation facility exempted from personal property tax.
HF2998 (Peterson) - Ground lease payment inclusion when filing for the homestead credit state refund by shareholders of manufactured home park cooperatives allowed.

State Government Finance

Allison O’Toole, CEO, MNsure

Scott Peterson, CIO for Department of Human Services and MNsure, MN.IT
Bills Added:
HF3511 (Davids) - MNsure; compensation provided to individuals who did not receive form 1095-A by February 1, 2016; and money appropriated.

Higher Education Policy and Finance


Bills Added:
HF3275 (Nornes) - Child care grant eligibility modified.
HF2815 (Nornes) - Postsecondary education planning information provisions modified.
HF3103 (Urdahl) - College Possible program funding increased, and money appropriated.
HF2965 (Applebaum) - Student loan income tax credit allowed.
HF2924 (Hortman) - Student loan refinancing program funding provided, and money appropriated.
HF2729 (Lien) - Loan forgiveness program for individuals working in greater Minnesota established, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2547 (Norton) - University of Minnesota, Rochester campus collegiate recovery program establishment funding provided, report required, and money appropriated.
HF2546 (Norton) - Student loan refinancing expanded, and refinancing in emergency circumstances permitted.
HF2576 (Murphy) - Loan forgiveness program awareness promoted.
HF3165 (Fenton) - Alternative teacher preparation grant program established, and money appropriated.

Agriculture Policy

Audio Available: Download Mp3
Minnesota Department of Agriculture Report on the Status of Food Hubs

Public testimony on HF2408 was taken at a previous meeting. No further testimony will be taken on this bill in Ag Policy.
Bills Added:
HF2408 (Hansen) - Minnesota emerald ash borer suppression program established, and money appropriated.
HF3363 (Hamilton) - Good food access program established to provide financial and technical assistance to increase access to affordable foods, report required, and money appropriated.
HF3324 (Clark) - Urban agriculture development pilot program established, and money appropriated.
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Minnesota House of Representatives · 658 Cedar St. Saint Paul, MN 55155 · [email protected]