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Meet representatives, share your opinion at the 2024 Minnesota State Fair

Fairgoers can visit the House of Representatives booth inside the Education Building throughout the 2024 Minnesota State Fair Aug. 22-Sept. 2. (House Photography file photo)

Fairgoers are invited to weigh in on hot political topics and meet with legislators during their visit to the House of Representatives’ booth at the 2024 Minnesota State Fair.

Located in the Education Building, the booth features our annual informal, unscientific opinion poll. More than 8,000 votes were cast last year.

This year, fairgoers can let their opinions be known on cell phone uses in schools, firearms storage, when the Legislature meets, where sports gambling should be allowed, digital drivers’ licenses and environmental funding. Results are scheduled to be on the House website (www.house.mn.gov) Sept. 3, the day after the fair closes.

Folks can also talk to members, stand behind a replica of the House Speaker’s desk for a photo opportunity, pick up information about the Legislature and don the always-popular Capitol Dome hat.

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